Total Solar Eclipse coming to NY: April 8, 2024

NWS 9:30pm forecast for Monday.
"Saturday night through Monday...As the storm system pulls away
to our east, upper ridging amplifies over the center of the
country. High pressure develops on the downstream side of the
ridge near/north of the Great Lakes, and may move into our area
towards the end of the long term period. This will result in
much drier conditions and a warming trend in temperatures. While
the solar eclipse is still too far away for specific details,
conditions could end up favorable for viewing the eclipse if the
upper ridging and surface high remain over/near our area as
some of the long-term guidance suggests."

Not too shabby...
NWS 9:30pm forecast for Monday.
"Saturday night through Monday...As the storm system pulls away
to our east, upper ridging amplifies over the center of the
country. High pressure develops on the downstream side of the
ridge near/north of the Great Lakes, and may move into our area
towards the end of the long term period. This will result in
much drier conditions and a warming trend in temperatures. While
the solar eclipse is still too far away for specific details,
conditions could end up favorable for viewing the eclipse if the
upper ridging and surface high remain over/near our area as
some of the long-term guidance suggests."

Not too shabby...
Beware high cirrus clouds!
This from NOAA for the Placid area. I hope it’s not too far out to be this optimistic….

We know everyone wants to know what the forecast is going to be on Monday. Drum roll please. The forecast for Monday is looking spectacular across the North Country. A strong upper level ridge is slated to move across New England Sunday night with surface high pressure not far behind. With deep layer ridging building on Monday, we should see strong subsidence in the mid to upper levels which is typically tied to drier and more stable conditions. This upcoming ridge will be no exception. Model soundings are beginning to show a plethora of dry air in the mid levels Monday afternoon. We will still likely see a few fair weather cumulus clouds as we should have a weak layer of lift in the low levels but these clouds will likely have limited vertical extent given the subsidence aloft. This should make for great viewing conditions as mostly clear skies are now in the forecast around eclipse time. Dry weather is expected to continue into Tuesday before clouds and precipitation chances begin to increase late Tuesday as another low pressure system tracks toward the Northeast.
It’s ironic that the most truthful thing about the eclipse from Gore is intended as an April Fools joke.

It’s also ironic folks are coming to The UpState to not see the sun. 🤔

Tis also even more ironic The UpState forecast is decent to not see the sun on a sunny day.