Total Solar Eclipse coming to NY: April 8, 2024

SLU will be live streaming the eclipse
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If you go to Gore April 8 to see the totality it won’t be that different from April 9 and the April Fool will be YOU!!!!
Some folks might just want to ski as some places could be clouded out anyway.
Gore’s been lucky getting some nice snow storms lately...
A forty buck lift ticket is the cheapest Gore's had all season.
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Monday forecast up by Whiteface is currently looking good. While the price gouge (supply/demand what it is) is unwelcome I did snag the Best Western in Placid for Sunday night without breaking the bank. So, it’s likely on. I’ll probably be solo if anyone needs a bed and is willing to share cost!

I can’t be the only one with this thought for Monday….but some morning WF turns followed by a skin up the Memorial Highway to see the eclipse from the proper summit??? Or maybe just skin up in the am if parking at the gate is likely to be an issue??? It’ll be spring conditions, but a post eclipse run dow 5 has potential. Convince me skinning up is a bad idea. Anyone interested in a NYSB meetup/eclipse tour if I do?
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Monday forecast up by Whiteface is currently looking good. While the price gouge (supply/demand what it is) is unwelcome I did snag the Best Western in Placid for Sunday night without breaking the bank. So, it’s likely on.

I can’t be the only one with this thought for Monday….but some morning WF turns followed by a skin up the Memorial Highway to see the eclipse from the proper summit??? Or maybe just skin up in the am if parking at the gate is likely to be an issue??? Convince me it’s a bad idea. Anyone interested in joining if I do?
Looks like the road will be skiable after this storm. I’m sure there will be plenty of people doing that. Sounds like a good plan. Might snag a few turns in the morning at Whiteface. We’ll be at the Barkeater in Keene for the big shadow.
The summit of Whiteface should be a good spot, but we're not gonna be able to hike or skin the road. Sugarbush lifts will run before and after the eclipse, but all 3 summit lifts are shut down for the season now because of the replacement of the Lincoln Peak lift. The Jay Peak tram is sold out.

Maybe Snow Ridge might be the best spot? They're closed but they're gonna run the lifts for the eclipse. Any others?

According to this thingy 🍺 NYS is looking less cloudy for the 8th than previous models' runs...
Cloudy from tomorrow onward till Sunday, then it opens up briefly for the eclipse to run thru.
It’s still early but the hordes may be coming.