The Ugh Thread

We got a bill for my daughter's senior prom. She is a freshman.

What if we move? What if she doesn't have a date? What if she doesn't want to go?

Is it a ponzi? Seems like BS to me.
They want $100 for her senior prom in 2024. She's not going this year. Covid ≠ boyfriend.

I was told by my wife to "be quiet" when I asked if the money would be placed in escrow in an interest bearing account.
They want $100 for her senior prom in 2024. She's not going this year. Covid ≠ boyfriend.

I was told by my wife to "be quiet" when I asked if the money would be placed in escrow in an interest bearing account.
First world problems.
Ask her if she wants ya to donate the $100 to the food bank instead.
Harv $100 for an event that ain't happening for 3 years? My kid got her prom tix 2 weeks ago. Doesn't have a date, sharing table with friends. Apparently that's a thing these days.
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That is a massive over reach .As a retired educator IMHO , it Is an affront to both common sense and institutional credibility .

THAT BOE Needs to step up and review and then revise such idiotic and intrusive bullshit policies like that that only serves to PISS off voters. Im certain others feel as you do .

Coalesce a parents group and call that BOE out for such intrusive and non sensical policies . Change is never comfortable , but trust me THEY DO NOT want negative publicity . Common sense is on your side .
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That is a massive over reach .As a retired educator IMHO , it Is an affront to both common sense and institutional credibility .

THAT BOE Needs to step up and review and then revise such idiotic and intrusive bullshit policies like that that only serves to PISS off voters
+1 Warp. This looks like a money making scheme for the school district. Public schools are non profit institutions.