The Ugh Thread

WP have you informed Law Enforcement about this creeper's bizzarre behavior ? He is a potential threat that SHOULD be on their radar .

Be safe , plan for the worst , hope for the best .

Camp : please dude ALWAYS lock your vehicles , outbuidings and your home . There ARE lots of very desperate people out there now . We got in that habit decades ago . Too many meth heads and other addicts out there doing vehicle burglaries and in the extreme home invasions .
The troopers know that he has been by. I called them after the first visit and spoke with the officer who was on the scene and let him know that Ben had been here.

I spent a lovely afternoon with another trooper last week. Ben is arguing with the troopers about having to pay the towing cost. He doesn't think the car should have been towed, since it was off the road. In visit #1, he asked me to lie and tell the troopers that I had given him permission to park on my property, because everybody parks their car in pretty much a ditch. o_O He even brought a pad of paper for me to write a statement on. How nice.

Anyhow, trooper #2 is looking into what happened, and I gave a statement, including clarifying the accident scene, since there were two accidents on that corner in a week, and that Ben had been to my house twice. At the end of the interview, I asked the trooper about what to do if he came back. The trooper said to ask Ben to leave, and if he refuses, to call them.

This morning, when I went to ride, I locked the house and took my keys with me. I think I will do that for a while.

The troopers know that he has been by. I called them after the first visit and spoke with the officer who was on the scene and let him know that Ben had been here.

I spent a lovely afternoon with another trooper last week. Ben is arguing with the troopers about having to pay the towing cost. He doesn't think the car should have been towed, since it was off the road. In visit #1, he asked me to lie and tell the troopers that I had given him permission to park on my property, because everybody parks their car in pretty much a ditch. o_O He even brought a pad of paper for me to write a statement on. How nice.

Anyhow, trooper #2 is looking into what happened, and I gave a statement, including clarifying the accident scene, since there were two accidents on that corner in a week, and that Ben had been to my house twice. At the end of the interview, I asked the trooper about what to do if he came back. The trooper said to ask Ben to leave, and if he refuses, to call them.

This morning, when I went to ride, I locked the house and took my keys with me. I think I will do that for a while.

Wise move , be safe
I'm sure I will, at some point. I'd also be interested in a Bernese Mountain Dog. I've been around a few of those I really enjoyed their temperament and personality. Right now I'm giving my yellow all the attention she deserves. I almost think she's enjoying being the only dog around now --- lol
Yup BERNIES are awesome dogs too. We have two different friends that have then , they have really sweet dispositions and are great with peeps
Sounds like the start of a horror movie.
Ever see " The Gift" on Netflix ?? Errie similarity , slightly different circumstances but with a major twist at the end ...
Was disappointed by the people who tried to scam the Indy Pass drawing by creating multiple email addresses. Took me several hours to eliminate all the dupes last night. I guess I could have let it go, but I really didn't want to reward that with $400 worth of passes.
Was disappointed by the people who tried to scam the Indy Pass drawing by creating multiple email addresses. Took me several hours to eliminate all the dupes last night. I guess I could have let it go, but I really didn't want to reward that with $400 worth of passes.
That sucks
So I’m on the ‘ole prophylactic antibiotics regimen again.

Ugh is right, can you shrink that? I would do it but I'm trying to counter act the rumors that I am drunk with mod power.

BTW lucky you that you saw it. And it's not prophylactic if you already got the clap! ?