The Ugh Thread

Well it ain't good :
Being put through a battery of tests tonite and tomorrow for potential Congestive Heart Failure and a major diuretic to make me piss like a race horse and hopefully shed the now 13 lbs of fluid build up and some potassium to counteract an intolerance for a dosage of Rx that had been revised a couple of time over the last several weeks . I have been on it for years but it was ramped up then off ,then back on an intermediate dosage and my HR was affected so now we go to the lowest dosage

This is a tough condition to control and cure is more being managed than cured.

It's mentally draining at times because of that fact and change on the fly .Both docs and patients get frustrated by that reality. Most of us want certainty,but that ain't in the cards in this stuff.

Both Syr and here are in agreement with the plan and the second more involved ablation is planned .

I'm just hoping to literally Piss this edema away over the next few days.hopefully we can stabilize the instabilities in all areas of concern.Right now I feel like 25 lbs of pee in a 10 lb jar
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You can do it --- I pee-lieve in you Warp!!!! :geek:
I just got some great news from my doctor and the medical terminology in the chest x-ray report was interpreted by my son a medical professional in New York City.

The chest x-ray actually was a primary concern and basically cutting to the chase : there's no fluid in the lungs and there was no venous hypertension which means no backup fluid in the lungs from heart failure so that's great news !!

now the blood work has to be evaluated for CHF markers but it looks like maybe at this point we can rule out congestive heart failure.

So we'll watch and monitor for 4 days and see where we go from here at my appt Tuesday

but the second ablation is definitely still on the table .

I'm tremendously relieved and I'm overjoyed that my doc called today so I didn't have to "internalize " this for the weekend... meanwhile the pee fest continues