The Ugh Thread

Latest report today from the docs is the slow drip slow loading drug is not bringing the HR around yet . After a 24-hour drip the morph me onto an oral version of the drug which has several potential scary side effects.

Because the heart is now affected in more than one chamber and if the last chance drug doesn't control it, the plan will be a ambulance ride to Syracuse Monday and a special form of ablation that involves more than one node and an implantation of a pacemaker may be the next round.

My spirits are still positive the toughest part of this is the mental anguish and uncertainty.

My care team here has been excellent consisting of cardiologist our chief of medicine and the electro physiologist at St Joe's. I know she's staff here at the magnificent and I am spiritually ready for this journey. I've had several visits from the pastor of our Cathedral parish here and have been given the sacrament of the sick.

I remain grateful for all that's been done for me and hopeful that things resolve .Thanks to all of you who have been very kind
There's a guy who lives around the block from me (which means a mile or so) who told me that he has a pacemaker. He is out every morning walking and usually passes my house before I am out. It sounds like a good thing.
There's a guy who lives around the block from me (which means a mile or so) who told me that he has a pacemaker. He is out every morning walking and usually passes my house before I am out. It sounds like a good thing.
Yes if they work they can be wonderful things and my doctor told me that should it be successful golf is possible. I remain hopeful.
Your ponies enjoying the sunny weather WP?
Thank you all ,pretty tough day today nothing working, on a last ditch IV drug now whih is a slow to titrate drug .I'm hanging in there but it's challenging given the circumstances I'll be in ICU until ar least Monday,praying this works

Have a great Easter Passover and thanks for listening guys
Sending prayers and love. So many here are thinking about you.
Some good news the oral version of the last Chance IV drug I was on brought the resting HR down bought under movement the HR was still up but significantly improved from where it was.

This afternoon they did a second cardio version and I am now in regular sinus rhythm . They will keep me overnight and watch me but it looks like I'm going home tomorrow
The latest in this continuing saga: after undergoing some more tests the data tends to suggest that a second ablation may not be necessary at this point

Because that drug I mentioned earlier is seemingly holding me in regular heart rhythm quite well and both my cardiologist and our hospital chief of medicine feel that there is no need to do a second ablation/ pacemaker at this point.

While it may be necessary sometime in the future to do so ,there is no need to take unnecessary risk unless and until the data warrants it.

My son a medical professional in New York City (some of you know as JB )agrees with this strategy.

So the good HR hopefully continues I'll be taking further tests periodically to monitor results
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