The Ugh Thread

Beginning to think just move buy a townhouse somewhere in greater CUSE region with everything on one level and close to a major tertiary care facility like St Joe's as it's likely my life is now entering a new and differing stage at almost 80

.Too early to make this call until this situation is more clear But would really miss NNY ,The River and the Dacks but as one enters into the OT period of their Life game things become challenging
Y’all had a pretty rough winter up along the big river.
The greater Cuse area is nice & it ain’t Florida, Thank God.
It”s a temperate rain forest and gets especially nice whenever there’s a short drought, which ain’t often.
You’d fit in well with the folks I golf with. Gonna be a 100 year celebration this summer.
We continue to have a dang waiting list for new members, but there’s a lot of other nice courses to play.
Thank you for keeping your NYSB friends updated . You are the coolest dude on here . Prayers for quick recovery.
Listen you guys even tho we have never physically met ARE. A huge part of my circle,you all add zest and sparkle to my life.

We share a deep and common bond for our shared LOVE of this great activity SKIING,it's hard for non skiers to GET this kind of Band of Bros and Sis's

And the way we can bust on each other with no animosity is a kind of humour that we all need

So again you guys ROCK,God bless you all for your concern it's been very very helpful during all this ..I sincerely mean it
...Toughest part of the procedure: having to lie perfectly still on your back for 5 hours couldn't move your arms hands nothing because the objective was to stabilize the catheter insert site from bleeding. Now for an old skier with lumbar issues it was a serious challenge but we made it. Very grateful for a fine compassionate doc and some pretty angelic nurses.Tried to lightened their day we had several humorous exchanges during and after prep . There were some skiers among the RNs so we talked about several mtns
they also asked me if I wanted any music .I said "yeah how bout Motley Crue Jump Start My Heart "
Yo WD!! How's it going, Coach?
Thanks for asking Big Guy: I'm waiting to see my primary after spending 3 days in our local Critical Care unit and getting paddled .Will see him today have edema in legs and midsection 10 lbs worth since both ablation and cardioversion procedures

Have eaten little so it's gotta be from saline drips from both procedures Been sleeping in my Lazy Boy since also have Dry Cough so laying flat isn't working.

The good news is the paddling got me back in Normal Sinus Rhythm so it's a good temp fix till next ablation

Hope they can tell me more today and that St Joe's is working on scheduling 2 nd ablation which is now for A Fib a tougher procedure with some hospitalization req.

It's been a rough 10days but my spirits are fine I say BRING It ,dammit
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