The Ugh Thread

The Ben Saga.

Preamble: one corner of my property is at an intersection of two roads, with a third road a hundred feet away, or so. It is also in a dip. People go way too fast here. Three weeks ago, some dude missed a turn and slid sideways across my road and ended up against some trees, which is good. If he hadn't, he would have ended up in a ravine. That was on a Tuesday. My horse gets Tuesdays off, and I plan on sleeping in. That didn't go as planned. The dude was fine, his dog was fine (my bigger concern), and as the day wore on, a tow truck and a trooper showed up and remove the truck from my property. Somehow, the guy had managed to extricate his truck from the trees across the road and get it into the ditch on my property Thanks. But, whatever, and it was gone.

A week later, some other dude (Ben) crashed on the corner, and has become a major PITA in my, the troopers, and all of my neighbors' lives. He wanted me to lie to the troopers that I had given him permission to park in the ditch on the corner of my property. Fail. He has been back to my house four times about various things relate to the crash. This past Sunday, he stopped one of my neighbors (and her large, rowdy GSD/Husky/Wolf cross) asking to borrow a phone because he had left his at the convenience store. She said no. He flagged me down for the same, I said no and came in to do yoga. Ben hung out on the road near my house for an hour, flagging people down, trying to get a phone to use. Eventually, he left. Later, I found out that he went to my barn owner's house, and she gave him her phone to use to track down his phone. Today, I got an email from a guy that lives around the corner, that I have only met a few times, that Ben had run into the guy's wife, and used her phone for the same purpose Only, it turned into a 15 minute phone call, and the wife couldn't get the phone back. Today, Ben hung out in the field next to their house for three hours. If Ben is telling the truth, he doe live around the corner, and lives next to the guy who emailed me. He has also creeped out my ex and his GF, who live around the corner from me.

So, the long story, short ending is... In the past two weeks, some weird dude crashed into the corner of my property, pissed me off and is creeping out my neighbors. He doesn't seem to be sober when you talk to him. But. So far, Ben, has been very respectful when he has come to my house. I was cooking one day and told him it was a bad time and to wait, which e did, and made himself at home on my porch. My son also gave me a tune up lesson on the Ruger. I felt much better after that. My gun skills were rusty.

The car is gone. Visit #1 was to ask me to lie. Visit # 2 was looking for a jack that he said he left at the crash site. He thought maybe the tow truck people or the troopers had stolen it. Visit # 3 was to pick up the kid's reebok shoes that he left at the crash site for a week. I had told him multiple times to pick them up. I picked them up because I was tired of looking at them on the side of the road and wanted them to belong to someone who cared about their kid. At this point, they had been on the side of the road for a week. At visit #3, he said they were super important because his GF's friend had given them to her.

What's bringing him back? I don't know. That's what we are all wondering. Why, in the course of two weeks and one crash, did we go from being completely comfortable and relaxed on back country roads to me locking my car, my doors while I am working from home, and now locking my doors and carrying keys when I am leaving my home to go jogging.

I did take out my frustration on the spiked AP cans he left at the crash site and in the ditch along my road. That seemed appropriate.

That's pretty creepy, WP. I too, for the first time ever, have been taking my keys out of my truck once I get home. I also just started locking my house when I'm not home. There have been multiple break-ins around us, not exactly in the valley but close enough for me to take notice.
WP have you informed Law Enforcement about this creeper's bizzarre behavior ? He is a potential threat that SHOULD be on their radar .

Be safe , plan for the worst , hope for the best .

Camp : please dude ALWAYS lock your vehicles , outbuidings and your home . There ARE lots of very desperate people out there now . We got in that habit decades ago . Too many meth heads and other addicts out there doing vehicle burglaries and in the extreme home invasions .
Camp : please dude ALWAYS lock your vehicles , outbuidings and your home . There ARE lots of very desperate people out there now . We got in that habit decades ago . Too many meth heads and other addicts out there doing vehicle burglaries and in the extreme home invasions .

Very true, and excellent advise. I've always felt all a lock does is keep an honest man honest, and to some point still feel that way. As you say, too many crazies out there now to trust anyone. I was much more comfortable with it when my chocolate lab was around. He had a deep bark, sounded mean (wasn't at all), and was physically intimidating to look at. My yellow girl is nothing but a lover and will show you around --- LOL

So yes, everything is locked now.
You thinking about getting another Chocolate or Black bad boy ? Labs RULE !!
The Ben Saga.

Preamble: one corner of my property is at an intersection of two roads, with a third road a hundred feet away, or so. It is also in a dip. People go way too fast here. Three weeks ago, some dude missed a turn and slid sideways across my road and ended up against some trees, which is good. If he hadn't, he would have ended up in a ravine. That was on a Tuesday. My horse gets Tuesdays off, and I plan on sleeping in. That didn't go as planned. The dude was fine, his dog was fine (my bigger concern), and as the day wore on, a tow truck and a trooper showed up and remove the truck from my property. Somehow, the guy had managed to extricate his truck from the trees across the road and get it into the ditch on my property Thanks. But, whatever, and it was gone.

A week later, some other dude (Ben) crashed on the corner, and has become a major PITA in my, the troopers, and all of my neighbors' lives. He wanted me to lie to the troopers that I had given him permission to park in the ditch on the corner of my property. Fail. He has been back to my house four times about various things relate to the crash. This past Sunday, he stopped one of my neighbors (and her large, rowdy GSD/Husky/Wolf cross) asking to borrow a phone because he had left his at the convenience store. She said no. He flagged me down for the same, I said no and came in to do yoga. Ben hung out on the road near my house for an hour, flagging people down, trying to get a phone to use. Eventually, he left. Later, I found out that he went to my barn owner's house, and she gave him her phone to use to track down his phone. Today, I got an email from a guy that lives around the corner, that I have only met a few times, that Ben had run into the guy's wife, and used her phone for the same purpose Only, it turned into a 15 minute phone call, and the wife couldn't get the phone back. Today, Ben hung out in the field next to their house for three hours. If Ben is telling the truth, he doe live around the corner, and lives next to the guy who emailed me. He has also creeped out my ex and his GF, who live around the corner from me.

So, the long story, short ending is... In the past two weeks, some weird dude crashed into the corner of my property, pissed me off and is creeping out my neighbors. He doesn't seem to be sober when you talk to him. But. So far, Ben, has been very respectful when he has come to my house. I was cooking one day and told him it was a bad time and to wait, which e did, and made himself at home on my porch. My son also gave me a tune up lesson on the Ruger. I felt much better after that. My gun skills were rusty.


Sounds like the start of a horror movie.
You thinking about getting another Chocolate or Black bad boy ? Labs RULE !!

I'm sure I will, at some point. I'd also be interested in a Bernese Mountain Dog. I've been around a few of those I really enjoyed their temperament and personality. Right now I'm giving my yellow all the attention she deserves. I almost think she's enjoying being the only dog around now --- lol
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