The Ugh Thread

As far as the wasps, I got hit five times while trying to spray a ground nest, after dark. In the morning, I looked at it with binoculars. I did manage to take most of it out and felt vindicated. My son used to play competitive paintball. He came home and quite happily peppered the shit out of the rest of the nest with his paintball gun. It's how we roll here in Freeville. Hit them with the bee spray, then destroy what's left with a high test paintball gun.
I don't think I've ever had a tougher week than last week.
Tuesday we put my wife's dog to sleep. Friday AM I get a call that my cousin's oldest son (he has 5 boys) was murdered, shot in the head during a robbery. Then on Saturday AM I put my boy Bode to sleep.

I've cried for three days straight.

2020 can go fuck itself