The Ugh Thread

Wasn't sure where to drop this. Certainly not in Sweet Cars and Trucks.

Woah, the first few are kind of 'people are soft funny' like losing air condition and gps. But turning it into a sensory torture machine seems absurd. Just repo the thing at that point. If the government can't do it as a punishment (cruel and unusual) common sense suggests a car company should not. Is this for real? Good thing I only owe the bank for the Riv!
I'm talking about things I put there at night, so I can take them to work the next day. Case in point we found the title to the totaled CRV which we need to send to the insurance company to collect. (Wanted to Fedex it from work) Found it Monday night, left it on the table, it got "cleaned up" before I left on Tuesday am so I forgot it. Clearly not the end of the world.

I told Zelda that I threw her under the bus in this thread, she laughed her ass off. Which was good. Then she said when she is skiing with me and I introduce her to people I know, she's thinking, these people must think I'm a nightmare!
I'm talking about things I put there at night, so I can take them to work the next day. Case in point we found the title to the totaled CRV which we need to send to the insurance company to collect. (Wanted to Fedex it from work) Found it Monday night, left it on the table, it got "cleaned up" before I left on Tuesday am so I forgot it. Clearly not the end of the world.

I told Zelda that I threw her under the bus in this thread, she laughed her ass off. Which was good. Then she said when she is skiing with me and I introduce her to people I know, she's thinking, these people must think I'm a nightmare!
Nope she rocks she let's you do all this. Yeah, I should not get involved. All good.
Nope she rocks she let's you do all this.

Not sure if I am getting this precisely, but if by "all this" you mean storm chasing and running this insane asylum... I agree. Oh yea and moving to the mountains.

As the years have passed (25!) she has become more and more accepting of my "alternative lifestyle."

Yea I'm betting Rip KNOWS what I am talkin about!
Woah, the first few are kind of 'people are soft funny' like losing air condition and gps. But turning it into a sensory torture machine seems absurd. Just repo the thing at that point. If the government can't do it as a punishment (cruel and unusual) common sense suggests a car company should not. Is this for real? Good thing I only owe the bank for the Riv!
I don't think it's even legal
It was just a bet. All data was interpolated.