The Ugh Thread

Ablation done ! Doc called it a success . In reality it really takes two to three months to see whether or not the heart rate stabilizes in sinus rhythm.

Was there at 8:00 was discharged at 5:00 p.m. the actual procedure itself was fairly straightforward with the target area easily identified and thus only took a half an hour but the preparation and recovery took the balance of the time.

Toughest part of the procedure: having to lie perfectly still on your back for 5 hours couldn't move your arms hands nothing because the objective was to stabilize the catheter insert site from bleeding.

Now for an old skier with lumbar issues it was a serious challenge but we made it.

Very grateful for a fine compassionate doc and some pretty angelic nurses.

Tried to lightened their day we had several humorous exchanges during and after prep . There were some skiers among the RNs so we talked about several mtns

they also asked me if I wanted any music .I said "yeah how bout Motley Crue Jump Start My Heart "
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Ablation done ! Doc called it a success . In reality it really takes two to three months to see whether or not the heart rate stabilizes in sinus rhythm.

Was there at 8:00 was discharged at 5:00 p.m. the actual procedure itself was fairly straightforward with the target area easily identified and thus only took a half an hour but the preparation and recovery took the balance of the time.

Toughest part of the procedure: having to lie perfectly still on your back for 5 hours couldn't move your arms hands nothing because the objective was to stabilize the catheter insert site from bleeding.

Now for an old skier with lumbar issues it was a serious challenge but we made it.

Very grateful for a fine compassionate doc and some pretty angelic nurses.

Tried to lightened their day we had several humorous exchanges during and after prep . There were some skiers among the RNs so we talked about several mtns

they also asked me if I wanted any music .I said "yeah how bout Motley Crue Jump Start My Heart "