This Lady’s books, podcasts, videos and blog discuss “Nutritious Movement”.Been doing the yoga thing. 2x a day last week, 5x a day Sat and Sun, snuck out for another at lunch today for hopefully 3x weekday.
Like every thing else I do I am over focused on something very narrow. It's certainly not a yoga program. It's one set of 4 exercises that I do on each side left/right. It takes about 12 minutes.
I can't do everything exactly as the yoga stud is asking because my leg is hurt. So I am going about half way with some of the stretches. I could see how it would be amazing if I could fully extend.
It's definitely helping. I'm walking normally, but I don't think I could walk a mile at normal speed without some pain. At the end of a day I feel pretty good, stiffest in the am when I wake up.
Katy makes sense.