The Ugh Thread

Al did not want to guess, but when pressed guessed 8, without seeing it, from my description.
A body shop will give you an estimate but not a commitment. Our last accident was $4k but they added $800 three weeks into it. In your case, if the other guy doesn’t cover that, the shop will have a lien on your car, not his.
It’s sketchy not to file a claim for that much money.

I agree, but don't understand the motivation. What is gained?
Insurance rates going up. The only reason. You report the accident to your insurance company and they will find the insurance company the guy has. They are going to ask if you want to go through the person at fault insurance so you don't have to pay the deductable. Skip it and use yours and pay and let them go get it. They will give it to you. If you use the other guys they will try to get the job done as cheap as possible, you are not their insured and don't care if you are happy.
Insurance rates going up. The only reason. You report the accident to your insurance company and they will find the insurance company the guy has. They are going to ask if you want to go through the person at fault insurance so you don't have to pay the deductable. Skip it and use yours and pay and let them go get it. They will give it to you. If you use the other guys they will try to get the job done as cheap as possible, you are not their insured and don't care if you are happy.

Don't understand all of this. I do get that you don't want your rates to go up.

If I give my insurance company the guy's name and address, they will figure it out?

So I get to pick the shop if I use my own insurance and pay the deductible? I'm cool with that.
Don't understand all of this. I do get that you don't want your rates to go up.

If I give my insurance company the guy's name and address, they will figure it out?

So I get to pick the shop if I use my own insurance and pay the deductible? I'm cool with that.
You have to file an accident report. You can get that at the DMV site. Yes your insurance company will find his insurance. I always just bring it to my insurance companies preferred shop. Easier.. Faster.. Less hassle and they give you a life time guarantee
Camp, Al said this work could take a few weeks, and I don't think he was considering the availability of parts. Does that sound right?

I'm all for the insurance company. Will have an estimate from Al EOD tomorrow.

Question. If they don't want to use insurance and I do, what do I do?
Yes, sounds normal.
Just call your insurance company and let them worry about it. You have other shit to do. They'll let you know what you have to do.
Issue is it will be expensive. The guy who hit you looks at your car and figures a couple g's will fix it. Doesn't work that way anymore. As with everything else, body shop supplies have tripled in price. They get in there to start the repair and find more damage which equals add-ons. The dude isn't prepared for that and will think you're trying to screw him, so you'll be the asshole. Not to mention parts issues. Will he pay for your rental car for 3 months? Then the shop finds structural damage and your car needs to be totalled. He definitely won't be cool with that so he'll end up calling his insurance anyway.