The Ugh Thread

BTW, on that hurt vs. injured topic, while some things may not impede your ability physically, mentally it can be a whole different story. I’ve had that issue with soccer. Turned an ankle really bad one January. I took a couple of weeks off and then headed west for a planned ski trip because the swelling had gone down enough to get into my ski boot. You are locked in, so what did I care! Anywho, while that ankle injury healed physically after a month or so….my soccer game suffered for a good year. Mentally I just didn’t have the confidence to play on it the way I normally would. I’d imagine the same can apply to skiing. Then there is the problem that if you start compensating for one thing…it throws other things off. Injuries suck!

As does being OLD!!
Harsh reality , be smart : You aint a kid anymore Harv ,a re injury could cost you way more

Just take some time off do the rehab and secure your future skiing .

Hell will not freeze over if you do not ski , risking more injury for a SHORT term guilty pleasure doesn't make sense as one ages . Recovery from a reinjury gets more difficult .

Good Time to diversify your interests , i'm certain you have other things that are fun to do

Ok : Incoming. ( ducking for cover ) ?
if you go to the doc always ask if you can damage it more. if not brace, medicate and rip that shit!
For real. Stretch, drink lots of water and suck it up. Time to rip!
Harsh reality , be smart : You aint a kid anymore Harv ,a re injury could cost you way more

Just take some time off do the rehab and secure your future skiing .

Hell will not freeze over if you do not ski , risking more injury for a SHORT term guilty pleasure doesn't make sense as one ages . Recovery from a reinjury gets more difficult .

Good Time to diversify your interests , i'm certain you have other things that are fun to do

Ok : Incoming. ( ducking for cover ) ?
As someone who's had an injury worsen over the past 11 years, I'd listen to Warp.
Harsh reality , be smart : You aint a kid anymore Harv ,a re injury could cost you way more
Just take some time off do the rehab and secure your future skiing .
Hell will not freeze over if you do not ski , risking more injury for a SHORT term guilty pleasure doesn't make sense as one ages . Recovery from a reinjury gets more difficult .
Good Time to diversify your interests , i'm certain you have other things that are fun to do
I’d vote for Harv to restart his pot spinning art. Good for mind and body.
Small cups and bowls for starters.
@Harvey along with strength, flexibility and balance are stuff that diminish with age. Yoga is a good place to start. I'd also find a good physical therapist. A PT that addresses the imbalance that causes an injury, rather than just making the pain go away, is worth their weight in gold.

When I'm in the gym my prehab routine takes 45 minutes, but it's what keeps me going.