The Ugh Thread

On the eve of the biggest storm of the season so far, and potentially the season's great run for the east, I've hurt myself horsing around, and will now miss out. Could be out for quite a while, some kind of pull I think.

OK I went to the doc and he recommended a video: 10 minute yoga for guys who aren't flexible.

I'm thinking this is the way, these guys are practically tele.


manflowyoga baybee!
When I hit 49, I realized I wasn't getting any more flexible. I started with some 20 minute yoga videos. The more yoga I did, the more I got hooked. As my farrier says "Yoga is stupid hard." He runs 100s. The first time I saw half pigeon pose, I thought I would die. It is now one of my favorite. Every time I run into something I have a hard time doing, I keep at it and hopefully it gets better.

PS. Learning how to do forearm handstands in your 50s is hard. I still can't do them.
OK I went to the doc and he recommended a video: 10 minute yoga for guys who aren't flexible.

I'm thinking this is the way, these guys are practically tele.

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manflowyoga baybee!
I do two variations of this pose, but with the balls of of my feet on the floor to stretch the arches specifically for tele

uh oh Harv do we need an old folks yoga thread lol!
It made a big difference last night, but I am tight again this am. I think I have to do that stuff 2x a day.
It made a big difference last night, but I am tight again this am. I think I have to do that stuff 2x a day.
I find myself stretching whenever and where ever the need or opportunity arises. I will stretch my calf's using the bottom to the shopping cart while in check out line. I have other stretches I perform at my desk or standing at a bar. Whatever it takes to get through the day. I heard an interview with one of LeBron James teammates. Apparently LeBron has taken stretching to a different level. He will reportedly excuse himself from the dinner table and go stretch in-between courses. You are on the right track Harv.
Doc told me I probably "couldn't ski for four weeks."

He could see I was crushed by that, and said "actually if you do this stretching you could probably ski now."

Seems a bit over the top, but he got my attention.

I must say I was impressed that the medical "system" would make this kind of recommendation.
Doc told me I probably "couldn't ski for four weeks."

He could see I was crushed by that, and said "actually if you do this stretching you could probably ski now."

Seems a bit over the top, but he got my attention.

I must say I was impressed that the medical "system" would make this kind of recommendation.
Classic tweak of an injury. Bad enough that you SHOULD take a little time off….but not so bad that you couldn’t go if you REALLY wanted. The age old (or is it old age) question….do you risk making the injury more significant if you don’t give it a little time, or do you give it a rest for a few weeks and protect the longer season?

Discretion is the better part of valor, as they say! The smartest thing is probably to take a week or two off, but we don’t always do the smartest thing.

I could give you my classic coach speech. Are you hurt, or are you injured. Hurt? Rub some dirt on it and play through the pain. Injured? Take the time to heal.

How do you know if you are hurt or injured? Good question! Someone once told me an injury impedes your ability to perform….whereas hurt doesn’t impede your ability, it just makes it painful.