The Ugh Thread

Been doing the yoga thing. 2x a day last week, 5x a day Sat and Sun, snuck out for another at lunch today for hopefully 3x weekday.

Like every thing else I do I am over focused on something very narrow. It's certainly not a yoga program. It's one set of 4 exercises that I do on each side left/right. It takes about 12 minutes.

I can't do everything exactly as the yoga stud is asking because my leg is hurt. So I am going about half way with some of the stretches. I could see how it would be amazing if I could fully extend.

It's definitely helping. I'm walking normally, but I don't think I could walk a mile at normal speed without some pain. At the end of a day I feel pretty good, stiffest in the am when I wake up.

If someone knows something about yoga start a thread and I'll post there. This isn't really an Ugh thing anymore, if I really continue with the yoga something positive came out of my stupidity injury.
Been doing the yoga thing. 2x a day last week, 5x a day Sat and Sun, snuck out for another at lunch today for hopefully 3x weekday.

Like every thing else I do I am over focused on something very narrow. It's certainly not a yoga program. It's one set of 4 exercises that I do on each side left/right. It takes about 12 minutes.

I can't do everything exactly as the yoga stud is asking because my leg is hurt. So I am going about half way with some of the stretches. I could see how it would be amazing if I could fully extend.

It's definitely helping. I'm walking normally, but I don't think I could walk a mile at normal speed without some pain. At the end of a day I feel pretty good, stiffest in the am when I wake up.

If someone knows something about yoga start a thread and I'll post there. This isn't really an Ugh thing anymore, if I really continue with the yoga something positive came out of my stupidity injury.
Glad your seeing results. My back was so f’d up it took 6-8 months to see any results. Keep at it. You will feel like a rock next ski season
Been doing the yoga thing. 2x a day last week, 5x a day Sat and Sun, snuck out for another at lunch today for hopefully 3x weekday.

Like every thing else I do I am over focused on something very narrow. It's certainly not a yoga program. It's one set of 4 exercises that I do on each side left/right. It takes about 12 minutes.

I can't do everything exactly as the yoga stud is asking because my leg is hurt. So I am going about half way with some of the stretches. I could see how it would be amazing if I could fully extend.

It's definitely helping. I'm walking normally, but I don't think I could walk a mile at normal speed without some pain. At the end of a day I feel pretty good, stiffest in the am when I wake up.

If someone knows something about yoga start a thread and I'll post there. This isn't really an Ugh thing anymore, if I really continue with the yoga something positive came out of my stupidity injury.
You don't need to do very many different exercises for it to be useful. It more a question of whether you can keep up the same routine consistently without getting bored. I get bored with yoga but can handle basic Pilates routines or the occasional class because there is movement. At least for a month or two.

Started doing the home PT exercises last weekend. When it says 8-12 reps, I try to do 8, but sometimes I lose count and do more. Helps that I've done them all before. ROM is essentially back to normal. Doing relevant exercises to improve ROM helped.

The stretch routine I found back in 2012 that I actually do during the fall calls for 3 repetitions for each exercise. I rarely do more than 2 repetitions. I'm not a perfectionist.

Someone PM'd me and said "everyone was assuming" I got hurt because tele is a young man's sport and i am too old for it.

First let me say, fuçk that.

Second, I didn't mean to imply I got hurt "tele-ing" whatever that means. All my skiing is freeheeled, but I was cross country skiing and got crossed up doing a step turn, on a pretty mellow incline. Stupid maybe, but not tele.

I admit it was a scary moment, alone, on the ground, in the woods a mile from the cabin, I wasn't sure how exactly I was going to get back. It took quite a while. Luckily I guess it wasn't a tear. I probably shouldn't ski alone ever, but there is no way I am giving it up.
Tele is for old farts.
Glad you’re not still out there laying on the frozen ground.
Never give up!
Someone PM'd me and said "everyone was assuming" I got hurt because tele is a young man's sport and i am too old for it.

First let me say, fuçk that.

Second, I didn't mean to imply I got hurt "tele-ing" whatever that means. All my skiing is freeheeled, but I was cross country skiing and got crossed up doing a step turn, on a pretty mellow incline. Stupid maybe, but not tele.

I admit it was a scary moment, alone, on the ground, in the woods a mile from the cabin, I wasn't sure how exactly I was going to get back. It took quite a while. Luckily I guess it wasn't a tear. I'm probably shouldn't ski alone ever, but there is no way I am giving it up.
not everyone. i just assumed you were old.
Yesterday I met with the dude who's going to give me a new knee. Can't schedule anything yet due to no elective stuff, yet. Ugh.
Any estimate on when?

Just one knee bad? How is the other?