The Truck Thread

My younger days i could portage a Discovery 169 in the Saranac Lake \ St Regis Canoe area not so much ...weight room or no weight room ....Father Time is a bastard ⌛ some point I see a Hornbeck in my future.
I'd get one now. I mean there's almost no limit to how far you can carry them m9st good trout ponds are less than 5 miles from the trailhead in the adk.

I had one for seventeen days in the pharaoh lakes wilderness area. 1996?
One time we left the Grumman at a little lake where my friend, who was recovering from a broken foot, had stashed it for the next time out.
The plan was to fish the lake and then float downstream to a huge beaver dam.
There wasn’t enough water in the outlet to float the canoe even without anyone init.
Had to drag it myself over rocks for a few miles before we got to the big backedup beaver pond to fish and a windy cold front blew us straight through to the dam in no time and never caught a trout but it was an easy float-paddle after that downstream to the dirt road.
or weight room.............;)
I hit the weight room plenty. But I have nerves that don't work and some muscle atrophy in right side anterior delt and triceps. Ain't no amount of lifting that's gonna totally compensate for that.
Sunday i was putting the kayaks away, they currently hang from "straps" made from old mtb tires screwed to the garage ceiling, thinking I will probably only be able to do this for a few years before the shoulders just say FU...

oh and on topic, ended up getting a new (to me) 2021 Titan PRO-4X. Drove an F-150 3.5L EB but with no real logic (other than the killer warranty) just liked the Titan better
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Excellent choice! Did they certify it for you?

I'm currently driving a 23 Titan Pro-4X XD. Fkn great rig.
...and a collectors item ?

not cert'd but with 20k mi. there's a shit ton of that killer Nissan manufactureres warranty left

now to replace the camper...
If these things work as good as your average inflatable SUP, this could be a revolutionary product.

Next step for you Harv is to go to a Ford dealership and try laying down diagonal across the bed of a Maverick. It’s probably still too small but maybe they’ll come out with a regular or extended cab and a longer bed in the meantime. Or Toyota will finally make a hybrid Tacoma