The New Normal

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I see that. NJ WSJ% matches other sources, but Texas does not. Crazy. Every other Texas # I see is around 7%.
I saw Austin in one of your links and my cynical side came out. Whatever the percentage is I think we can all agree to tell people to stop wearing masks is just makes no sense. Just let business open if that is your position and keep your mouth shut.
Have you asked them how they feel about it?

I know I'll be elated when restrictions are lifted for us here in NY. It bugs me that we the people can't make our own decisions.
Not yet.
The problem with taking masks off is, for many people, they do not even know they have it.
Not just Texas. A few other states have also lifted mask mandates. Pretty much the places that didn't have a state-wide mask mandate until relatively late in 2020.

NM and PA have dropped travel restrictions. Waiting to see how long it takes that to happen in the northeast.

I'm happy to be in NC. Gov. Cooper is keeping the mask mandate while increasing the capacity limits without jumping to being completely open. Also eliminated the overnight curfew that was in place when the numbers got bad in Nov-Dec.
Any sense of what percentage of people in NY have no interest in getting vaccinated for COVID-19? From what I'm seeing based on assorted polls, the national average is a bit lower than then percentage of people who don't bother with annual flu shots.

Are places in upstate NY getting J&J shipments this week?
@Harvey : an article about vaccine efficacy

Phase 3 vaccine trials involve tens of thousands of subjects. J&J included 45,000 people in their trials. Considering confidence intervals along with the point estimate gives a better idea of what clinical trial data show.

March 3, NY Times
What Do Vaccine Efficacy Numbers Actually Mean?
" . . .
What’s clear is that all three vaccines authorized in the United States — made by Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, and Pfizer and BioNTech — greatly reduce the risk of getting Covid-19.

What’s more, all the vaccines look as if they have a high efficacy against more serious outcomes like hospitalization and death. For example, no one who got Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine had to go to the hospital for a Covid-19 infection 28 days or more after getting an injection. Sixteen people who got the placebo did. That translates to 100 percent efficacy, with a confidence interval of 74.3 percent to 100 percent.
. . ."

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This anecdotally From a Nurse practitioner friend in Houston area : Actually deaths per capita in Texas are among the worst in the states and they are near the bottom in vaccinations . Several hospitals and now even major businesses are REJECTING the Governor's plan as lunacy !

It is a massive political DEFLECTION strategy to ameliorate the EPIC SYSTEMIC FAILURE of the state ERCOT strategy during the past several weeks. Abbot is being used as a pawn in this , he is not the sharpest knife in the set.
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