The New Normal

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I was in our little local store this AM getting coffee and this Amish dude walks in (stanky bastard too), with no mask. I gave him the stank eye and told him I hoped our store wouldn't have to close due to him being an ignorant stump. He gave me that stank eye back. Hopefully he didn't curse me somehow --- lol
LOL --- that was good.

I don't disagree with you, but I do understand that at some point shit needs to get open. Too soon? Maybe.
How about open certain areas but lets keep the masks for another 8 weeks? Why both? It is just not that hard to wear a mask, unless you live in Texas. Thankfully, nobody told them boiling water was a hoax during the blackouts.
I was at the feed store on Saturday. Some yahoo walked in without his mask and was chatting with the owners, who were masked. What happens to store owners who need the business, but patrons don't wear their masks? I then saw the same guy at the grocery store, with a mask. Maybe he was vaccinated...
LOL --- that was good.

I don't disagree with you, but I do understand that at some point shit needs to get open. Too soon? Maybe.
Texas has 13.4 % of their population vaccinated. I don't know the percentage that actually had it. We are getting close IMO but it will be another month. I a still holding onto hope to get on a lift this year.
Texas has 13.4 % of their population vaccinated. I don't know the percentage that actually had it. We are getting close IMO but it will be another month. I a still holding onto hope to get on a lift this year.
around 7% according to multiple sites

around 7% according to multiple sites

I get my number off the WSJ map.
Because it's Texas. I lived there for a year which was long enough to realize they do stuff in a different way.
My wife's family all moved to Houston about 30 years ago. I am very familiar with Texas from years of visiting. She is the black sheep East Coaster. ;)
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