The New Normal

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Our local hospital lost one of it's doctors yesterday due to Covid. He got Covid while treating a patient of his. According to my wife he was a great man and in his career saved many lives.
So sad indeed . JB lost 3 colleagues in his hospital , one a world class surgeon who had separated con joined twins . These health care heroes and your wife is one Camp are THE BEST of what we have to offer in America .They put it on the line everyday now for over a year in conditions that would psycholgically break most people . God bless them all! ????
Governor finally letting my favorite deli in Middletown more hours unfortunately it to late for so many other business es"
"""???NEW HOURS ??? Happy to say that were back from 6am-8pm ONLY Thursday’s- Saturday’s !!! Thank you all for your support ??!""
I saw on the morning news that TX is opening up all business's with zero restrictions. I'll be interested to see what their numbers do. If they stay relatively level, or even continue to decrease, maybe it's time for NYS to end this 3mo pause? ;)
Cases in the whole country have stopped declining, we are flat or maybe a little up. This is true for Texas too.

IMO both the businesses reopening and the mask thing are big factors, but the business are so much more important, livelihood vs inconvenience (masks). I think if you are going to be bold you reopen business and leave masks in place for now. See how it goes.
My governor could tell me anything he want's. I am still going to do what I feel is right. These sheep people drive me nuts. I wonder what the MLB is going to do. NY they can have like 12 people in Yankee stadium and down in Texas they will be allowed 70k. 12 or 70k does not matter to me I am not going!!
I saw on the morning news that TX is opening up all business's with zero restrictions. I'll be interested to see what their numbers do. If they stay relatively level, or even continue to decrease, maybe it's time for NYS to end this 3mo pause? ;)
According to most of the medical community, this is a mistake. They are only a little over 7% vaccinated. That % will go up substantially in the next 6-8 weeks. They cannot wait another 8 weeks? Forget about the wall with Mexico, we need a wall around Texas.
My line of thinking is very similar to both Harv and TJ's. I think it's time to start opening things up, I mean it has to start sometime or people will go under. Anyway, leave it up to the business and it's patrons to do what they feel is best for them. If I don't feel comfortable somewhere I will simply leave and not go back until whatever it was that bothered me is taken care of. It's time to let the people decide what they feel comfortable doing.
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