The New Normal

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Personally I'm willing to wait until I'm sure I can get the second shot at the recommended time. Seems like a lot of unscientific panic going on... "shoot em up!" I think they have to be sure about the supply of second doses, the messaging I'm hearing doesn't give me a lot of confidence.
Personally I'm willing to wait until I'm sure I can get the second shot at the recommended time. Seems like a lot of unscientific panic going on... "shoot em up!" I think they have to be sure about the supply of second doses, the messaging I'm hearing doesn't give me a lot of confidence.
you have been vaccinated...the hard way
There's no real proof of that.

My doc is saying "you probably has some amount of immunity for some amount of time. No one knows what that is."
Personally I'm willing to wait until I'm sure I can get the second shot at the recommended time. Seems like a lot of unscientific panic going on... "shoot em up!" I think they have to be sure about the supply of second doses, the messaging I'm hearing doesn't give me a lot of confidence.
I'm thinking in 4 weeks we'll know if the second shot is reliably available. If it's not, I'll cancel my appointment.

Not in any rush I'd prefer to let those who need to be first or who are truly scared get it first. Some folks here are freaking out that they have to wait and are scouring vaccination sites to try to get it no matter the cost or time involved. I'm not high risk and I just don't get that type of behavior.
I thought about that but I decided that if the CDC determined that I was qualified, I'm gonna get it. Still, maybe their criteria might be too tilted toward old people because they are using political logic on a math problem. Maybe waitresses, bartenders and teachers should be at the head of the line, but those decisions are above my pay grade.

In 1947
Nyc vaccinated 6 million pp in a month
What the f are we going wrong
I am so far down the food chain, that I think that it will be pushing September before I can get vaccinated. And, I'm ok with that. My dad, who is 80, and my son, who works in construction and has been onsite throughout the pandemic, need it way before I do. I can continue to work from home. With a wee bit of luck, I won't get it, and if I do, hopefully my daily diet of barn dirt has strengthened my immune system. :p
i think you’re doctor is saying “yes, you’re immune” but is leaving enough wiggle room in case you’re the 1 in a 1000 who isn’t. You suffered for it, I say go ski

I didn't expect you to understand. And as my friend, I hope you never do.
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