The New Normal

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I haven't posted in this thread because COVID has been laying low in our town, despite all the tourists. All of sudden shit got real when well-loved member of our local community died from COVID complications in ICU two days ago. Please read this heartbreaking message from his wife and learn from it. Be safe, be extra careful, avoid unnecessary travel, get tested if you have symptoms. For geographical reference, flying to Edmonton is like flying to Denver from NYC. The people in the story live in a small town, about three hours drive from Toronto.

I have been asked quite a few times where
got the virus and who he was in contact with. I understand for some the virus became very real and you are scared it is in our community. I am copying simething I wrote to another person over a week ago.
Long story short I gave it to him.
My Mom ended up on the hospital on Nov 16 and they called the immediate family to come. I flew to Edmonton the next day, rented a car and drove 8 hours north. They figure I picked the virus up somewhere on my travels. I was so careful double masked, used sanitizer, gloves, when I was touching something I hadnt wiped down. I didnt want to expose my Mom to COVID in case she pulled through.
I found out she passed when I landed in Edmonton. Spent the week with my brother and sister.
On Nov 21st I noticed I was slightly congested and had a weird runny nose and slight headache but I usually get these symptoms as Dave and I are non smokers and my family are heavy smokers and smoke inside. The air is also really dry up in Northern Alberta.
I flew back to TORONTO on the 24th and Dave picked me up at the airport. I didn't feel 100% but still thought the stress of Mom passing, 2 hour time difference, smoke and -30 weather were the cause.
At work we have been very cautious with the virus so I wanted to get tested before I went back as I didn't want anyone to worry or get sick. I booked a COVID test in Bracebridge on Nov 25th. The morning of the 25th, when I was getting ready I couldn't remember if I had sprayed perfume on or not and took a whiff. Dave was in the bedroom and teased me when I picked up the perfume bottle to spray some on as he could smell it in the bedroom. I had zero sense of smell and we both were pretty sure then I had COVID.
Got my results back on Friday morning. The Bracebridge hospital called me around 10 and then Ontario Health called about 530 to confirm it was COVID.
Dave was starting to have body aches, tiredness and a headache on Friday and we mentioned it to the nurse. She wanted him to get tested but as we were isolating already, he decided not too.
About 5 days later he developed a dry cough and fever. His symptoms were very different from mine. He had vomiting, zero appetite, chills, all that yucky stuff.
5 days after that we called our family doctor to see if we could do anything to help with the cough and weakness he was feeling. She suggested lots of fluids and very small snack like meals. Which we did. He started to feel better but at night his coughing was so bad. I asked him each morning if we should go to Emerg but his symptoms always seemed to get better during the day.
Friday night before I forced him to go in, he woke up and thought he was having a panic attack.. he was hyperventilating. Dave has never had an attack.
I told him that morning we were going to Emerg. Called the hospital to find out the protocol and where they wanted us to go as I believed Dave had COVID. I had already received my attestation report saying I was no longer Contagious the week prior.
I wheeled him into the hospital, they took his oxygen reading and he was immediately put in ICU.
He wasn't in contact with anyone other than me. He never left the house as we were first self isolating and then he was too sick.
My family in Alberta all tested negative.
SBR, I'm sorry your friend died. It sounds like he was more careful than many others.

My business partner has gone through hell. Fever going up and down between 99 and 102, and brutal shivering. Blood O2 dropped really low. Every day, twice a day I have been texting her, asking if she was ok to talk. On Monday and Tuesday am I got no response and was fearing the worst.

She was insistent on not going to the hospital. She kept saying that "people don't come back from the hospital." I get that and felt the same way, even thought that might not be rationale.

Then yesterday something odd happened. Cell service for Verizon is improving up here, my phone rang while I was on the Straightbrook (summit) chair. It was ML and he was pushing me to get her to go to the hospital.

I went into one of the lodges and just called her. To my surprise she picked right up an said her fever was gone for the last 12 hours. She would not tell me her 02.

She was bitching about the employees and I thought "She's back!" Hope so. I will try her again today.
My sincere condolences SBR . Losing close friends is tragic
Harvey, Milo, Camp and Warp - really appreciate the comments. Dave was a friend of many of my friends but I did not really know him well. No less tragic.
This idea of changing the way the vaccine is administered is insane. All of the science was done with a 21 day interval between doses.

So after following the science all the way, the health experts are now going to panic and improvise?

Total fucking stupidity.
This idea of changing the way the vaccine is administered is insane. All of the science was done with a 21 day interval between doses.

So after following the science all the way, the health experts are now going to panic and improvise?

Total fucking stupidity.

I agree, but it also makes me wonder how much of this is politics. Who the hell knows. I do know that my wife received the vaccine 2ish weeks ago and experienced all the nasty side effects. She was hurting. To say the least she isn't looking forward to the next shot.
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Have a good second lockdown everybody

I agree, but it also makes me wonder how much of this is politics. Who the hell knows. I do know that my wife received the vaccine 2ish weeks ago and experienced all the nasty side affects. She was hurting. To say the least she isn't looking forward to the next shot.
What are her coworkers’ experiences? Does she think the incidence of those side effects is higher than initially reported? Just curious. I’ll get it as soon as possible, regardless.

I went for my first test this morning as a precaution because I’m gonna be spending a lot of time in the car with my dad pretty soon. No symptoms or reported contact but it’s hard to believe I haven’t been close to infected people at some point, considering where I live and what I do.
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