The New Normal

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What are her coworkers’ experiences? Does she think the incidence of those side effects is higher than initially reported? Just curious. I’ll get it as soon as possible, regardless.
I'll have to ask her. I do know that one of her coworkers had it bad too, just not sure if any others did or not. I'll get it too.
I went for my first test this morning as a precaution because I’m gonna be spending a lot of time in the car with my dad pretty soon. No symptoms or reported contact but it’s hard to believe I haven’t been close to infected people at some point, considering where I live and what I do.

I've been tested twice. First one came back negative. Second one came back positive, I damn near shit my pants! I had, what I thought, was your run of the mill head cold. I felt tired, headache, cold chills etc. I was taking your over the counter cold meds until one morning I noticed my coffee tasted weird, that's when I went and got tested. I'd lost my sense of taste and smell. Luckily I was working from home anyway, and being sick my wife decided to stay with her mom just in case. I'm super glad she stayed there, gawd that would've sucked. This all happened 2 weeks prior to Xmas. Merry Xmas to me!!! LOL
The only thing I'm fighting now is fatigue. I helped a buddy yesterday do a little firewood and you would think I ran the NYC marathon.
Oh man Camp so sorry to hear your wife has had such a rough go of it . Damn shes been taking care of patients under duresss for the past 11 months ,if anyone deserves relief it is folks like her ????
I agree, but it also makes me wonder how much of this is politics. Who the hell knows. I do know that my wife received the vaccine 2ish weeks ago and experienced all the nasty side effects. She was hurting. To say the least she isn't looking forward to the nex
I'll have to ask her. I do know that one of her coworkers had it bad too, just not sure if any others did or not. I'll get it too.

I've been tested twice. First one came back negative. Second one came back positive, I damn near shit my pants! I had, what I thought, was your run of the mill head cold. I felt tired, headache, cold chills etc. I was taking your over the counter cold meds until one morning I noticed my coffee tasted weird, that's when I went and got tested. I'd lost my sense of taste and smell. Luckily I was working from home anyway, and being sick my wife decided to stay with her mom just in case. I'm super glad she stayed there, gawd that would've sucked. This all happened 2 weeks prior to Xmas. Merry Xmas to me!!! LOL
The only thing I'm fighting now is fatigue. I helped a buddy yesterday do a little firewood and you would think I ran the NYC marathon.
Did you figure out where you got it from? It's a catchy bug.
Did you figure out where you got it from? It's a catchy bug.
No, zero idea where I got it from. My gut tells me it was from appraising vehicles while at work. But it's everywhere here now so who the hell really knows. I consider myself lucky, very lucky. It took a buddy of mine out like a TKO. Knocked his junk right in the dirt, and he is in incredible shape too.
I know 3 pp that have taken the first dose..No side effects , aside from sore arm..
I know 3 pp that have taken the first dose..No side effects , aside from sore arm..
From a big wig at a hospital.

There has been very few out of the 9000 vaccines we have given so far.

9-10 have been nausea and flu like symptoms.

1 major reaction but the person was known to have reactions to other vaccines

Sore arms mostly.

Glad your feeling better. Really. Do you feel dirty? To early?
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