The New Normal

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Our county has done away with announcing possible COVID exposures. They are no telling us that it's everywhere and to take the necessary precautions. It is everywhere around here now. I know people who have had it, who are hospitalised because of it. I had to get tested due to contact tracing, thankfully I tested negative.
It's only a matter of time before we shut down again. It's worse around here now than when it all started.
On 4 November, The Child's high school "paused" for 2 weeks as 3 members of the "school community" tested positive for 'Rona. All virtual until 18 November.

On 17 November, school announced that 8 more community members tested positive, all virtual until 1 December. Thankful The Child opted to go 100% virtual. Close the damn schools already.

EDIT: According to school principal, then positives all resulted from interactions outside school.
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We’ve had some positive cases and done a 2 week 100% remote period but mostly they just let people who were in contact with the positive cases isolate for 2 weeks.
I found this interesting:

Singing and tubas bad. Yelling worse than coughing. If you have to share a car with one person, driver in drivers seat, passenger in back on opposite side, windows cracked in unoccupied spots.
Singing and tubas bad. Yelling worse than coughing. If you have to share a car with one person, driver in drivers seat, passenger in back on opposite side, windows cracked in unoccupied spots.
Well known info from late spring and certainly by summer. This graphic was in an article published in late August. Researchers were in the UK. Can find the link later if anyone is interested. I've essentially stayed in the green zone while continuing to do fun stuff away from home in the last six months. That includes eating indoors under special circumstances with my husband who is at high risk. Always his idea when it comes to eating in a restaurant and he didn't start until September. He pretty much stayed at home March thru May.

The factors include:
  • Face mask usage: yes or no by everyone in the same area/room
  • Ventilation: outdoors, indoors and well ventilated, poorly ventilated
  • Duration: short time, long time
  • Actions by people: silent, speaking, shouting or singing

Risks masks ventilation.jpg

On 4 November, The Child's high school "paused" for 2 weeks as 3 members of the "school community" tested positive for 'Rona. All virtual until 18 November.

On 17 November, school announced that 8 more community members tested positive, all virtual until 1 December. Thankful The Child opted to go 100% virtual. Close the damn schools already.

EDIT: According to school principal, then positives all resulted from interactions outside school.
There are very few documented cases of transmission in the school setting. Can't really think of one in fact. All the reports I've seen it's been pretty clear that the infection happened outside of school. True for employees, teachers, and students.

Have heard of parents out west sending their kids to school WHILE KNOWING that there had been exposure (without masks) to people who had tested positive. If kids and employees only wear face masks at school, that obviously increases the risk of exposure that results in COVID-19 outside of school quite a bit. Could well be other family members who are the source for the kids.

For other countries, the approach can be to keep schools open while closing or severely limiting the hours of restaurants, bars, or other businesses where adults gather to relax while drinking, talking, or singing. Of course, if those adults just move their gatherings into someone's home, then there is still plenty of opportunity for community spread.
Well known info

I thought it was interesting that they tested different instruments (not sure why).

The car thing, while it makes total sense, not sure I would think of it. Not planning on sharing a car, but still.

Hey if the internet was limited to original ideas it would be a lot smaller.
I thought it was interesting that they tested different instruments (not sure why).

The car thing, while it makes total sense, not sure I would think of it. Not planning on sharing a car, but still.

Hey if the internet was limited to original ideas it would be a lot smaller.
Didn't mean to pick on you. Always good to have other reference articles about the same topic. The list of abstracts sounds pretty interesting.

I'm testy because lately I'm finding more and more people in other forums who weren't paying attention outside their local region until after October when they usually think about buying a season pass or deciding where to go skiing during the upcoming season. Even on forums where I've posted the graphic in #306 before, it's clear that is new information to some people.
I found this interesting:
If you have to share a car with one person, driver in drivers seat, passenger in back on opposite side, windows cracked in unoccupied spots.
Portland Oregon city commissioner had a problem with the window being open for her Lyft ride home from the casino recently. Got figure.
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