The New Normal

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This really exposes your true character, and not in a good way. You wished this pandemic would result in a socialist, collectivist utopia. When that didn't happen, you resorted to insults against anyone who dared question why we kept the restrictions you supported, and still support, long after they were necessary. And then you use a terrible crisis elsewhere in the world to insult those who disagreed with you and trivilaize the hardships others had as a result of this pandemic and our failed response to it. Also, it's interesting how you refer to "what really matters in life". The politicians you support tried to take that all away. Meaningful work? They shut down businesses, put people out of work, and denied kids an education. Family relationships? They shamed people for traveling and gathering with family. There are people who put off visiting family, only for their loved ones to die before they had the chance.

The war in Ukraine is appalling on every level, and I feel very fortunate to live in the United States, where we are not at threat of invasion. It does not change my opinion on domestic issues regarding the pandemic. It does make it clear that the only thing I agree with the right on is my opposition to covid mandates. I really wish there was a political party that supports NATO and is opposed to brutal dictators waging war for shits and giggles, but also opposed to unprecedented infringements on individual liberties back home. I don't think one exists.

Now that we're watching a real war unfold, it is becoming increasingly absurd that we ever treated covid as if it was a war. If your country is under attack, everything is on the line, so you drop everything and deal with the threat. With the pandemic, we were never in that situation, even in April 2020, yet overzealous politicians are still endlessly extending emergency declarations as if we are.

Also, I suggest you look at the timestamp on my earlier post, which was before the invasion actually began. Either you didn't or you're lying.

I've opened up about some very personal things in this thread for the purpose of raising awareness. Turns out I was foolish for doing so. All you ever did was insult me every chance you got. Shameful, toxic, vindictive, selfish, and mean-spirited doesn't even begin to describe how despicable you are. I'm done arguing with you. It's clear you are beyond help. I'm also done with this forum for a very long time.
Pretty weak. So is a long time like two weeks? That's a long time someone your age.
This really exposes your true character, and not in a good way. You wished this pandemic would result in a socialist, collectivist utopia. When that didn't happen, you resorted to insults against anyone who dared question why we kept the restrictions you supported, and still support, long after they were necessary. And then you use a terrible crisis elsewhere in the world to insult those who disagreed with you and trivilaize the hardships others had as a result of this pandemic and our failed response to it. Also, it's interesting how you refer to "what really matters in life". The politicians you support tried to take that all away. Meaningful work? They shut down businesses, put people out of work, and denied kids an education. Family relationships? They shamed people for traveling and gathering with family. There are people who put off visiting family, only for their loved ones to die before they had the chance.

The war in Ukraine is appalling on every level, and I feel very fortunate to live in the United States, where we are not at threat of invasion. It does not change my opinion on domestic issues regarding the pandemic. It does make it clear that the only thing I agree with the right on is my opposition to covid mandates. I really wish there was a political party that supports NATO and is opposed to brutal dictators waging war for shits and giggles, but also opposed to unprecedented infringements on individual liberties back home. I don't think one exists.

Now that we're watching a real war unfold, it is becoming increasingly absurd that we ever treated covid as if it was a war. If your country is under attack, everything is on the line, so you drop everything and deal with the threat. With the pandemic, we were never in that situation, even in April 2020, yet overzealous politicians are still endlessly extending emergency declarations as if we are.

Also, I suggest you look at the timestamp on my earlier post, which was before the invasion actually began. Either you didn't or you're lying.

I've opened up about some very personal things in this thread for the purpose of raising awareness. Turns out I was foolish for doing so. All you ever did was insult me every chance you got. Shameful, toxic, vindictive, selfish, and mean-spirited doesn't even begin to describe how despicable you are. I'm done arguing with you. It's clear you are beyond help. I'm also done with this forum for a very long time.
Don’t leave Sno.
I'm also done with this forum for a very long time.
Thinking of it as well.
Lurked at first as it had some good info on Gore.
Bought a M-F pass to get in shape for a planned dream ski trip to the Dolomites.
Then Covid came to town.
The rest is history.
Ski ya later folks.
Have fun, stay safe.
Might practice up as an ugly american for the skimo senior league games.
Be good y’all. :) ❄️✌️
So if I am to understand this thread, Snoloco is a young guy so his opinions are automatically discarded? In my opinion, his intellectual capacity to correctly assess the current situation far surpasses many of the participants on this forum. My only fear is that he also bought into the vaccination crusade - he and many of you will suffer from this decision.

This thread has devolved into a bully driven conversation and really doesn't belong on a "ski forum." Suggestion to the boss (Harvey) - get rid of the "Off Topic" conversations and keep it about skiing.

My local cycling club had the same problem - I've always known that I'm among a bunch of nutty-crunchy people but first and foremost we were cyclists. Once covid hit they turned into a bunch of whack-jobs and started demanding crazy things like "when in the parking lot before a ride, all participants must be masked." Needless to say, the participation rate declined. I haven't ridden with these morons in two years.

Here's the bottom line: covid was a respiratory virus that affected people of age and/or comorbidities. For most people it was a minor inconvenience. The government reaction to this was over the top. Many people bought into the hysteria. That's it.
How's that?
This should be good.
He probably thinks that Bill Gates is about to flip the “microchip activation switch”

I love how people like snoloco are like “you’re terrible, only my ideas are valid. I’m a knowledgeable intellectual” and then an antivaxxer comes on and says “hell yeah, snoloco’s ideas are definitely correct”
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