The New Normal

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The deaths are easy to comprehend and "sensational" but certainly don't tell the whole story.

I'm wondering about long term effects. Virus stay with humans for a long time. You got chicken pox as a kid NBD, but it can come back as shingles later. HPV can live with you a long time and (especially in women) cause some serious stuff. Chris Cross the singer "got over" covid but now is having issues walking and was almost paralyzed for a while. His docs think it is related.

To me the risk of being too cautious seems lower than the risk of the opposite. I'm working from home (actually at the office, but all alone) wearing a mask doing my best. Seems like we are probably halfway to a vaccine, might as well keep on going. To me it's not a huge inconvenience.
The deaths are easy to comprehend and "sensational" but certainly don't tell the whole story.

I'm wondering about long term effects. Virus stay with humans for a long time. You got chicken pox as a kid NBD, but it can come back as shingles later. HPV can live with you a long time and (especially in women) cause some serious stuff. Chris Cross the singer "got over" covid but now is having issues walking and was almost paralyzed for a while. His docs think it is related.

To me the risk of being too cautious seems lower than the risk of the opposite. I'm working from home (actually at the office, but all alone) wearing a mask doing my best. Seems like we are probably halfway to a vaccine, might as well keep on going. To me it's not a huge inconvenience.
No doubt being too cautious is a great idea! having the right info to make those choices is key,
No doubt being too cautious is a great idea! having the right info to make those choices is key,

This is why we had to make a very painful decision not to go away for the weekend and share lodging with friends. It sucks but I want to live to enjoy life post-pandemic.
Yea. I know they are saying school is pretty safe but I'm not convinced.

My folks are in their upper 80s. Saw them for the first time FTF since March yesterday. In the back yard, distanced chairs and masks. Maybe overkill but not really any inconvenience for me, and it was what they wanted.
We saw my son from Manhattan and my Grandson from Burlington for 5 hrs in the last 9 months ,socially distanced , masked and at Whiteface . We haven't seen my daughter from Massachusetts or her family since Christmas . Yes it is tough but we all understand the need to be responsible and we all either JITSI meet or use other cyber connections weekly
Yea. I know they are saying school is pretty safe but I'm not convinced.

My folks are in their upper 80s. Saw them for the first time FTF since March yesterday. In the back yard, distanced chairs and masks. Maybe overkill but not really any inconvenience for me, and it was what they wanted.
The RIGHT thing to do Harv !!!??
Yea. I know they are saying school is pretty safe but I'm not convinced.

My folks are in their upper 80s. Saw them for the first time FTF since March yesterday. In the back yard, distanced chairs and masks. Maybe overkill but not really any inconvenience for me, and it was what they wanted.
People saying schools are safe? I disagree. Child's school already has had 2 cases of covid. And they're going for just 2 half days per week. Fortunately, The Child opted to go 100% remote learning about a month ago.
People saying schools are safe? I disagree. Child's school already has had 2 cases of covid. And they're going for just 2 half days per week. Fortunately, The Child opted to go 100% remote learning about a month ago.
It's not the school environment that's the problem, it's how the families who are sending the children act in their daily lives. I know of a few private K-8 or high schools that have successfully handled in-person classes since the beginning of the fall semester. One friend is impressed that even the preschool kids are perfectly fine with mask usage all day. He noted that when his 8th grade son had a few friends over to play outside in their yard, the boys naturally wore their masks the entire time.

I can certainly understand why some teachers in public schools are pretty nervous about teaching in-person classes. A friend who is a retired teacher opted to keep her tween daughter in remote learning for the fall semester. Our local county is starting hybrid classes in the next week or two. We'll see how that works out.
MarzNC, I agree with your premise. Poor practice at home leads to Rona at school. But I also believe that schools have the potential to be super-spreading locations. The idea of doing interscholastic sports at this time is crazy, yes schools here are doing them.
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