The New Normal

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Where are you seeing this? I'm certainly not seeing it "society wide."
He’s just freaking out over a future that he is imagining in his head.

He seems incapable of just relaxing and enjoying his life. He has to come up with a bunch of scenarios that *might* happen and freak out about them. I’m no psychologist, but it seems like a kind of anxiety to me.
Vax does not work never has never will…nor do masks, at least masks that 99% of us wear.

I was at a party in a basement a month ago, turns out it was a super spreader event.

10 people that I know of got covid could be more, of the 10 about half were fully vaccinated.

Myself not vaxed my wife fully vaxed all had same symptoms to a tee. My kid who’s 10 breezed threw it, we all tested positive.

Me my wife and brother in-laws family and others some fully vaxed all tested positive and had the same symptoms as us unvaxed and the kids breezed threw it.

I can say whatever variant we had was nasty and we all still feel the affects, we were all bed ridden for a week . Imho the only way this is going away is herd immunity, kinda glad I got it in a way. But missed 2 weeks of skiing during the best conditions of this season.

Still not scared nor vaxed nor any plan to get vaxed. Wife is now questioning the vax and the nurse whom got it also is now questioning the vaccine and she’s…. Well a huge lefty pushing the vax like a good sheep. She spent months pumping arms full of the vaccine as a nurse… all day… vaccine shots… for months. Without questioning any of it , just doing what she was told to do by lord Fauci.

Wife is hearing that a lot at work, she works in medical field. Her employer also now does not require employees to get the 3rd booster….. that says something.

If you’re in a risk group by all means take precautions. The new normal changes threw out life, don’t get stuck in a rut.

Time to move on
Imo, for whatever that's worth, if nobody ended up hospitalized then the vax worked. As I understand it the vax won't prevent you from getting COVID, rather help you recover at home and not jam up hospital beds. It's like seatbelts, they don't prevent car accidents but greatly increase your chance of surviving a crash.
I say this as someone who had COVID before the vax was even available. I didn't even know I had it. Good buddy of mine had it the same time I did and he was in the hospital for 11 days. 7 of those days fighting for his life.
It's so bizarre how this virus effects everyone differently.
My dad is 80 with normal age related problems. He got COVID at the Dr. Pumped him with piadialite and zinc. Recovered in three days. Vaxxed and boosted. I think I got it but never tested I was caring for him. Very mild. Vaxxed and boosted. I believe 100% things well well because we followed protocol.
I’m no psychologist, but it seems like a kind of anxiety to me.
Maybe it is. Knowing that any time cases rise, we are going to be blamed for it, and be slapped with pointless and punitive rules that do nothing to slow the spread, that has a way of being really damaging. Reason for attempting to move is to get to a state where that isn't the mentality, where I can relax and enjoy life.
Maybe it is. Knowing that any time cases rise, we are going to be blamed for it, and be slapped with pointless and punitive rules that do nothing to slow the spread, that has a way of being really damaging. Reason for attempting to move is to get to a state where that isn't the mentality, where I can relax and enjoy life.
Hang with Mary Jane
Happiness is a state of mind
The state where you live doesn’t matter
Absolutely on target ! Attitude is everything . Frankly thats why an adapt and deal strategy with life is powerful . Focusing primarily on negativity is neither good for one's mental or physical wellbeing .
Maybe it is. Knowing that any time cases rise, we are going to be blamed for it, and be slapped with pointless and punitive rules that do nothing to slow the spread, that has a way of being really damaging. Reason for attempting to move is to get to a state where that isn't the mentality, where I can relax and enjoy life.
Before covid
NY has very few restriction
Aside from gun laws ( subject for another day)
You can worship freely
Love and marry whom ever you want
Drink and smoke what ever you want
just remember covid isn’t forever
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