The New Normal

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Happiness is a state of mind
The state where you live doesn’t matter
There is lots to be anxious about over here in the Libertarian paradise of New Hampshire too:

Kindergarten is not compulsory for school districts to provide… lots of people never learn the very basic “how to get along with others” lessons that help lay the groundwork for a civil society.

Vehicles do not need to be insured to be out on the road, so you might have to try to sue the meth head who backs their Kia Rio into you in the Walmart parking lot instead of just letting insurance companies battle it out.

The Executive Council actually controls much of the function of the executive branch and can veto legislation or water down proclamations put forth by the Governor if they see fit (since sno seems enamored by Sununu).

I could go on…..but I won’t.
Maybe it is. Knowing that any time cases rise, we are going to be blamed for it, and be slapped with pointless and punitive rules that do nothing to slow the spread, that has a way of being really damaging. Reason for attempting to move is to get to a state where that isn't the mentality, where I can relax and enjoy life.
Pointless and punitive rules? Do you even know the definition of "punitive?" Despite whomever is feeding you false propaganda, the Doctors running/advising our public heath officials are NOT looking to be punitive. NY masking came back after holiday last year because of surging hospitalizations! When hospitals get full, we're all at risk... even you!

I know you love to point out how great FL and certain states have dealt with Covid. Well here's a few points and data for you:

1. Despite having almost equal populations, almost twice as many people have died of covid in FL from ~July 2020 to current as have in NY. Covid deaths in NY were front loaded because NYC was the first major battleground and it was before we knew better. Also lets not forget that most of NY deaths came from the nations most densely populated region, NYC. The numbers aren't any better for the same period when you look at Az or Tx for example.

2. Covid doesn't thrive outdoors especially when exposed to UV. FL gets plenty UV year round while the North East does not-- so FL got "lucky."

3. Human immune systems are boosted when exposed to vitamin D. The sun provides plenty of that year round in FL but not in the North East.-- again FL got "lucky."




See below--- even with NYC/NJ metro surge from the initial days of the pandemic, look what states have had more deaths per 1M. If we started the data at July 2020 past the initial surge then NY/NJ wouldn't even be in the top 20!


Here's a comparison of the nations two least populated states. The state that didn't adopt (as you call them) pointless measures had more than 3x as many deaths than VT.

So in summery the data doesn't support your many times claimed of "pointless."

A sincere suggestion --- maybe you should start with getting away from whatever is making you fearful and paranoid. I bet it's certain Facebook groups, Podcasts, Twitter feeds and AM radio etc--- whatever those are that are inflaming your anger by spreading purposely divisive and false propaganda, Just remember these guys are laughing all the way to the bank by monetizing tribal division and hate.

The great news is that the vax, boosters and past infections are helping dramatically. The virus variant has continued to evolve into far less severe and fewer hospitalizations. Denmark has dropped all covid protocols so we should keep an eye on what's going on there. In the meantime just get away and relax a bit and stop being concerned about what might happen and enjoy the moment.
Pointless and punitive rules? Do you even know the definition of "punitive?" Despite whomever is feeding you false propaganda, the Doctors running/advising our public heath officials are NOT looking to be punitive. NY masking came back after holiday last year because of surging hospitalizations! When hospitals get full, we're all at risk... even you!

I know you love to point out how great FL and certain states have dealt with Covid. Well here's a few points and data for you:

1. Despite having almost equal populations, almost twice as many people have died of covid in FL from ~July 2020 to current as have in NY. Covid deaths in NY were front loaded because NYC was the first major battleground and it was before we knew better. Also lets not forget that most of NY deaths came from the nations most densely populated region, NYC. The numbers aren't any better for the same period when you look at Az or Tx for example.

2. Covid doesn't thrive outdoors especially when exposed to UV. FL gets plenty UV year round while the North East does not-- so FL got "lucky."

3. Human immune systems are boosted when exposed to vitamin D. The sun provides plenty of that year round in FL but not in the North East.-- again FL got "lucky."


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See below--- even with NYC/NJ metro surge from the initial days of the pandemic, look what states have had more deaths per 1M. If we started the data at July 2020 past the initial surge then NY/NJ wouldn't even be in the top 20!

View attachment 13217
Here's a comparison of the nations two least populated states. The state that didn't adopt (as you call them) pointless measures had more than 3x as many deaths than VT. View attachment 13219

So in summery the data doesn't support your many times claimed of "pointless."

A sincere suggestion --- maybe you should start with getting away from whatever is making you fearful and paranoid. I bet it's certain Facebook groups, Podcasts, Twitter feeds and AM radio etc--- whatever those are that are inflaming your anger by spreading purposely divisive and false propaganda, Just remember these guys are laughing all the way to the bank by monetizing tribal division and hate.

The great news is that the vax, boosters and past infections are helping dramatically. The virus variant has continued to evolve into far less severe and fewer hospitalizations. Denmark has dropped all covid protocols so we should keep an eye on what's going on there. In the meantime just get away and relax a bit and stop being concerned about what might happen and enjoy the moment.
Excellent Andy
Sno sounds a lot like my son at his age....A Rebel Without a Cause. If Covid had never happened he would have found something (or several things) to bitch about. He needs to find out what he's really mad about. But that would likely take years of therapy and he already knows everything.
Sno, I agree that you should be able to, and are able to, protest things you don't agree with. But there is a right way to go about it and ways to "make friends and influence people". I'm glad you called your representatives. There are also ways not go about it. The asshat at Blue Mt. may have learned that because no one came to his aid but rather came to help the security guys.
Smoking is not allowed in almost every building everywhere. Should someone who disagrees just be able to light up in the lodge because it's their right to kill themselves if they want to and it's an inconvenience to have to go outside in minus 10 degree weather?. Do you like getting into a gondola that someone just enjoyed a joint in? Having a rule against it is an inconvenience to them enjoying their day. "F those rules. It's an inconvenience to me."
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