The New Normal

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From my experience if you give these people an inch, they'll take a mile. I won't give them an inch. Assume anything being done now will be permanent, or at least done every winter. I don't see how January 2023 will be any different than January 2022.
Do you know what happens when you assume lil buckaroo?
Do you know what happens when you assume lil buckaroo?
This is snoloco’s personality. It’s constant chicken little, sky-is-falling pessimism.

Hate to say it, but this “doomerism” is pretty common in younger generations. It’s as if people don’t have real problems anymore so they get all worked up about trivial shit (“A mask!?!?! The horror!!!! And I’ll PROBABLY have to do it FOREVER thanks to NEW YORK STATE and DICTATOR KATHY HOCHUL”)

Personally, I think snoloco needs to get laid and suddenly the (tiny, inconsequential, fleeting) things he complains about won’t matter as much to him. Nobody is thinking about lift capacity when they’re screwing
What people are you talking about taking a mile and what are you going to do about it?
I'm saying that no level of caution is ever enough for people like you. You'll still call me selfish no matter what so I just won't do anything. If I can ignore a mask requirement and get away with it, that's what I do.

On the counterpoint I'm in a crowded Wegmans today and there's hundreds of people in there complying with masks. I saw only 6 out of hundreds without masks. I have zero fear of the virus but it takes a special kind of self-centered ass hole lacking common decency toward their fellow man to strut around maskless without regard to others.
My guess is there's a mandate in that area, so most people are only wearing masks so they don't get kicked out or fined. It's not lacking common decency to go unmasked when masks don't work, and the mandate in New York State has objectively failed.
I'm saying that no level of caution is ever enough for people like you. You'll still call me selfish no matter what so I just won't do anything. If I can ignore a mask requirement and get away with it, that's what I do.

My guess is there's a mandate in that area, so most people are only wearing masks so they don't get kicked out or fined. It's not lacking common decency to go unmasked when masks don't work, and the mandate in New York State has objectively failed.

First of all you're just talking shit in the first paragraph. I already told you I have no fear of covid but I also can think beyond myself to know that it's not all about me. You obviously can not, which is the absolute definition of entitled and selfish.

You come to this forum and your selfishness and lack of maturity is blatant. Whether it be complaining about having to wear a mask in the lodge or because you couldn't find a seat to eat lunch in the location you wanted at the time you want. Or your complaints that they aren't loading the lift to your satisfaction. Or earlier in the season your complaining that the mountains weren't updating their websites with projected opening dates and it wasn't giving you enough time to plan. My God the humanity. You're negativity is beyond ridiculous.

Contrary to what you may have been told all your life, you're not special nor more important than anyone else.
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