The New Normal

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That isn't my point here. My point is that I've spoken out about the collateral damage that the government response to covid has inflicted, which has been worse for people my age than it has for older people. In response, I've been harshly ridiculed, told that I'm prolonging the pandemic, trying to kill the immunocompromised/elderly, and more.

You took my comment literally. Yes, I'm opposed to mask mandates and I've made that very clear. That's just one of the measures we've been subject to for close to 2 years (minus a short break in the summer), and it's proven just as ineffective as it is harmful. I know you're going to respond with "it's just a mask". I don't see it that way. It's not just that masking is inconvenient and uncomfortable. Seeing faces is important in everyday interactions, and for our psychological well-being. The zoom class who usually supports these mandates generally doesn't have a wear a mask all day. I also hate the class stratification where servers and bartenders are forced to wear masks, while customers remain unmasked. It should be a personal choice for everyone. Every time cases rise in a blue jurisdiction, it's virtually assured that the mayor or governor will impose this pointless measure, whether as punishment for cases going up, or to make a show of "doing something".

While mask mandates have absolutely messed with my psychological well-being, it's far from the only thing that's been done. The public is also being gaslit into believing that they can control the trajectory of cases, when it's clear that things are going to follow seasonal trends, regardless of what anyone does. This means being told something along the lines of "wear a mask and avoid travel and limit your contacts or I'm going to lock you down or close your business or take away some activity you like to do". It's totally demoralizing and maddening when you that one, you can't control the actions of others, and two that even if you could, it probably wouldn't chance the number of covid cases. The gaslighting and repeated threats have been the worst part for me. Since I live in New York, one of the most restrictive states, I feel like a prisoner. Also, for JTG, just because others have had it worse, doesn't make it right to trivialize my experience, and you should be ashamed of yourself. Part of the reason I'm so frustrated with the current state of affairs is because I know that it's affected others worse than it has affected me, so don't try and say that I don't care about others again.

Public health authorities have vastly overstated the risk of getting covid for most people. Based on the real data I've seen, there's no reason to alter my life in any way or take any precautions to avoid covid exposure, yet the recommendations reflect the most risk-averse position, and these tend to get codified into mandates in blue jurisdictions. For example, right now the CDC is recommending that even vaccinated and boosted people avoid large gatherings. They're even recommending that school sports get cancelled in like 90% of counties, even if everyone is vaccinated. Many schools are following this and cancelling sports and other extracurricular activities. You've got 100% vaccinated colleges literally locking down. How does anything think that this is not having a severe impact on the well-being of teenagers and 20 somethings? Maybe you don't think sports or clubs are important, but what if I told you that it caused people to not seek treatment for other health conditions, whether physical or mental, cut people off from support structures so they relapsed into alcohol or drug addiction, or even committed suicide. When you take away multiple years of social interaction, gaslight the public into believing impossible scenarios, and offer no hope or vision for a better future, this is the result.
I just think you're a big baby. Wa
That isn't my point here. My point is that I've spoken out about the collateral damage that the government response to covid has inflicted, which has been worse for people my age than it has for older people. In response, I've been harshly ridiculed, told that I'm prolonging the pandemic, trying to kill the immunocompromised/elderly, and more.

You took my comment literally. Yes, I'm opposed to mask mandates and I've made that very clear. That's just one of the measures we've been subject to for close to 2 years (minus a short break in the summer), and it's proven just as ineffective as it is harmful. I know you're going to respond with "it's just a mask". I don't see it that way. It's not just that masking is inconvenient and uncomfortable. Seeing faces is important in everyday interactions, and for our psychological well-being. The zoom class who usually supports these mandates generally doesn't have a wear a mask all day. I also hate the class stratification where servers and bartenders are forced to wear masks, while customers remain unmasked. It should be a personal choice for everyone. Every time cases rise in a blue jurisdiction, it's virtually assured that the mayor or governor will impose this pointless measure, whether as punishment for cases going up, or to make a show of "doing something".

While mask mandates have absolutely messed with my psychological well-being, it's far from the only thing that's been done. The public is also being gaslit into believing that they can control the trajectory of cases, when it's clear that things are going to follow seasonal trends, regardless of what anyone does. This means being told something along the lines of "wear a mask and avoid travel and limit your contacts or I'm going to lock you down or close your business or take away some activity you like to do". It's totally demoralizing and maddening when you that one, you can't control the actions of others, and two that even if you could, it probably wouldn't chance the number of covid cases. The gaslighting and repeated threats have been the worst part for me. Since I live in New York, one of the most restrictive states, I feel like a prisoner. Also, for JTG, just because others have had it worse, doesn't make it right to trivialize my experience, and you should be ashamed of yourself. Part of the reason I'm so frustrated with the current state of affairs is because I know that it's affected others worse than it has affected me, so don't try and say that I don't care about others again.

Public health authorities have vastly overstated the risk of getting covid for most people. Based on the real data I've seen, there's no reason to alter my life in any way or take any precautions to avoid covid exposure, yet the recommendations reflect the most risk-averse position, and these tend to get codified into mandates in blue jurisdictions. For example, right now the CDC is recommending that even vaccinated and boosted people avoid large gatherings. They're even recommending that school sports get cancelled in like 90% of counties, even if everyone is vaccinated. Many schools are following this and cancelling sports and other extracurricular activities. You've got 100% vaccinated colleges literally locking down. How does anything think that this is not having a severe impact on the well-being of teenagers and 20 somethings? Maybe you don't think sports or clubs are important, but what if I told you that it caused people to not seek treatment for other health conditions, whether physical or mental, cut people off from support structures so they relapsed into alcohol or drug addiction, or even committed suicide. When you take away multiple years of social interaction, gaslight the public into believing impossible scenarios, and offer no hope or vision for a better future, this is the result.
Last three pages moved here to New Normal.

If it is about covid not about skiing, it goes here.

I think we've all hit the pandemic basement.
Some are speaking of this as being political, it's only political if you let it be, meaning, listen and talk to your own doctor. It's amazing to me how many internet doctors this pandemic has created.
This is real and people are dying from it. It's about others, not ourselves.
I think we've all hit the pandemic basement.
Some are speaking of this as being political, it's only political if you let it be, meaning, listen and talk to your own doctor. It's amazing to me how many internet doctors this pandemic has created.
This is real and people are dying from it. It's about others, not ourselves.
It's political because the response has been political from day 1, and in blue states there have been severe restrictions on what you can and can't do for the better part of 2 years. While it's nice to say listen to your own doctor, the fact is you, nor your doctor get to make decisions about how to live your life in New York State. The state health commissioner decides for you, and a "regulation change" is being snuck through that gives that office even more unchecked power.
It's political because the response has been political from day 1, and in blue states there have been severe restrictions on what you can and can't do for the better part of 2 years. While it's nice to say listen to your own doctor, the fact is you, nor your doctor get to make decisions about how to live your life in New York State. The state health commissioner decides for you, and a "regulation change" is being snuck through that gives that office even more unchecked power.
What can't you do in NYS? You've also said COVID has controlled every aspect of your life. I call foul. That's simply BS drama, imo.
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I think we've all hit the pandemic basement.
Some are speaking of this as being political, it's only political if you let it be, meaning, listen and talk to your own doctor. It's amazing to me how many internet doctors this pandemic has created.
This is real and people are dying from it. It's about others, not ourselves.

I think it's becoming less political in part because both sides are in the same place, ready to be done with all of it.

I think the whole country, or a lot if it, the normal people who aren't insulated, are sad. Yesterday we just had an employee quit because it was too sad to work at our company. Everyone is struggling emotionally, and she wants to freelance so she can be away from it. She left without another job lined up. I'm devastated by this.
I think it's becoming less political in part because both sides of the aisles are in the same place, ready to be done with all of it.

I think the whole country, or a lot if it, the normal people who aren't insulated, are sad. Yesterday we just had an employee quit because it was too sad to work at our company…. I'm devastated by this.
My preferred COVID indicator (wastewater in Boston) has this thing dropping rapidly. Europe is starting to treat it as endemic ( Only a matter of time before the remaining mask restrictions are lifted and we’re back to normal.

I don’t understand the wild emotional swings. Snoloco has been whiny for months because he has to wear a mask occasionally. Now people are quitting their computer jobs because they are “sad” (and that is “devastating” to you?). I mean, sure it’s a rough time, but these seem like tangential pandemic “problems”.

Camp’s wife is dealing with this thing every day & she goes to work. She’s a real hero. There are healthcare workers who have been spit on, ridiculed, & mocked and they soldier on.

The least that we (non healthcare workers, teachers, other people dealing with pandemic hate) can do is just retain our composure for the next few weeks, then we’ll all have a great spring & summer. Be nice.
I think it's becoming less political in part because both sides are in the same place, ready to be done with all of it.

I do agree that both sides want it over. One side accepts that the only way out is going to involve everyone being exposed, many getting sick, and sadly, some dying. We have vaccines and treatments to minimize the harm caused, but there's no escaping that reality. The other side is holding onto this delusion that we can "stop" the pandemic with masks, vaccine passports, school closures, social distancing, and other measures like arbitrary limits on gathering sizes if only everyone would comply. We've done that for close to 2 years. If it worked it would've been over by now, and it clearly as failed, miserably. All we have to show for it is a lot of collateral damage. I think the scenario Harvey pointed out is just one example.
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