The New Normal

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My preferred COVID indicator (wastewater in Boston) has this thing dropping rapidly. Europe is starting to treat it as endemic ( Only a matter of time before the remaining mask restrictions are lifted and we’re back to normal.

I don’t understand the wild emotional swings. Snoloco has been whiny for months because he has to wear a mask occasionally. Now people are quitting their computer jobs because they are “sad” (and that is “devastating” to you?). I mean, sure it’s a rough time, but these seem like tangential pandemic “problems”.

Camp’s wife is dealing with this thing every day & she goes to work. She’s a real hero. There are healthcare workers who have been spit on, ridiculed, & mocked and they soldier on.

The least that we (non healthcare workers, teachers, other people dealing with pandemic hate) can do is just retain our composure for the next few weeks, then we’ll all have a great spring & summer. Be nice.
Ah "just a few more weeks". Same thing we've been told endlessly for the last TWO FUCKING YEARS.
I agree with you on the waste water, but I think it's 50/50 about being done. Another variant will surely come. If it's like omicron we probably are getting done, if it's delta maybe not.

Some context on our company, I've been here 36 years and we've had plenty, dozens, hundreds of people quit. Never heard anyone mention the vibe in a bad way. Sorry man it bums me out. When you spend that much of your life working on something, you care about how it turns out. I do anyway. She was with us 18 years and she was excellent.

This bums me out because our people are bummed. Certainly been through worse, scary wise, 2008 for one. But this is a bit different.
. The other side is holding onto this delusion that we can "stop" the pandemic with masks, vaccine passports, school closures, social distancing, and other measures like arbitrary limits on gathering sizes if only everyone would comply. We've done that for close to 2 years..

You can watch sports in giant arenas. You can go to concerts. Schools are back (after a brief hiatus because they *didn’t have enough employees*).

You aren’t being limited in any way (except you occasionally have to wear a mask, which, apparently is the greatest burden you could possibly carry).

Stop whining. You don’t have it so hard.
I do agree that both sides want it over. One side accepts that the only way out is going to involve everyone being exposed, many getting sick, and sadly, some dying. We have vaccines and treatments to minimize the harm caused, but there's no escaping that reality. The other side is holding onto this delusion that we can "stop" the pandemic with masks, vaccine passports, school closures, social distancing, and other measures like arbitrary limits on gathering sizes if only everyone would comply. We've done that for close to 2 years. If it worked it would've been over by now, and it clearly as failed, miserably. All we have to show for it is a lot of collateral damage. I think the scenario Harvey pointed out is just one example.
The kids got a point here. It’s easy to know or think we know what should have been done after the fact, you know, hindsight 20/20 and all but at this point I think this is right. Some of the posts were a little dramatic for sure but the collateral damage I think has been very real.
Ah "just a few more weeks". Same thing we've been told endlessly for the last TWO FUCKING YEARS.
I agree with you on the waste water, but I think it's 50/50 about being done. Another variant will surely come…
Pessimistic thinking. Might as well not go skiing either. Conditions will probably be bad, there will be too many people, gully washers all spring.

Some context on our company, I've been here 36 years and we've had plenty, dozens, hundreds of people quit. Never heard anyone mention the vibe in a bad way. Sorry man it bums me out. When you spend that much of your life working on something, you care about how it turns out. I do anyway. She was with us 18 years and she was excellent.

This bums me out because our people are bummed. Certainly been through worse, scary wise, 2008 for one. But this is a bit different.
Maybe the vibe is bad? Do you offer remote work? What’s the working situation there? Cubicles?

Lots of people reevaluating their jobs now. I feel like places have to up their game if they want to retain employees (or hire new ones)
Yesterday we just had an employee quit because it was too sad to work at our company. Everyone is struggling emotionally, and she wants to freelance so she can be away from it. She left without another job lined up. I'm devastated by this.
My 2 cent as an outsider looking in.
She used COVID as an excuse. For whatever reason she wanted out and this was a convenient excuse for her to do just that.
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You can watch sports in giant arenas. You can go to concerts. Schools are back (after a brief hiatus because they *didn’t have enough employees*).

You aren’t being limited in any way (except you occasionally have to wear a mask, which, apparently is the greatest burden you could possibly carry).

Stop whining. You don’t have it so hard.
Oh stop.
COVID has controlled every aspect of our lil buckaroos life. Still waiting for examples of this one. Bet he can't answer without using the words "I" or "me".

You can watch sports in giant arenas. You can go to concerts. Schools are back (after a brief hiatus because they *didn’t have enough employees*).

You aren’t being limited in any way (except you occasionally have to wear a mask, which, apparently is the greatest burden you could possibly carry).

Stop whining. You don’t have it so hard.
You don't see a problem with being forced to cover your face in public indefinitely? Well I do. There's nothing offensive about my face, and I don't like being treated like a biohazard.

We also must as the questions why are we doing this, and what is the off ramp? I believe the answers are to score political points by making a show of "doing something" and the off ramp is "when I say so". Those are not good answers.
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Pessimistic thinking. Might as well not go skiing either. Conditions will probably be bad, there will be too many people, gully washers all spring.

Maybe the vibe is bad? Do you offer remote work? What’s the working situation there? Cubicles?

Lots of people reevaluating their jobs now. I feel like places have to up their game if they want to retain employees (or hire new ones)
Conditions are more often better than you think. I feel liberated on the skiing. With three vax and at least one covid, I'm thinking I'm probably good for the winter. I think must have had omi, but never felt it.

We are working 3 days in, 2 days at home. The people who are in definitely help cover for those who are out. My partner and I the only ones in every day. Clearly most would like to be home all the time. It's harder to collaborate, come up with a big idea, via zoom. We've got 3000 sq ft and at most 10 people in at a time. The inperson time isn't the issue IMO, email is the problem. The person who quit lives out of state and is full time at home.

I do think it's BS to say a person's individual reaction to something like this, isn't legit. Easy to criticize, but when you run a company peoples feelings effect everything.

We are in full time hiring mode, looking to fill 4 positions.
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