The New Normal

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That was true with Delta and earlier variants. Vaxxed people still are contagious for a shorter period than unvaxxed at this stage. But with Omicron, if someone who is vexed thinks there is no need for masking or avoiding close contact with friends and family, or strangers, even when they have symptoms then . . . that's why detected case counts have gone up so fast in places with high vax rates.

I used to say "Delta changed the situation" after June 2021. Now we are at "Omicron changed the situation" and that started in November 2021, not December.
I've read several articles that Omicron is also largely to blame for healthcare workers being overloaded. Not so much due to new patients, rather this variant spreads so easily that workers are having to call in sick and quarantine.
Damned if you do and damned if you don't.
I've read several articles that Omicron is also largely to blame for healthcare workers being overloaded. Not so much due to new patients, rather this variant spreads so easily that workers are having to call in sick and quarantine.
Damned if you do and damned if you don't.
That's especially true in areas where the number of new patients isn't actually that much higher than expected. In my county the usage of hospital beds in general, as well as in ICU, is high but not much different than the last couple months. However, staffing issues are significant at all the area hospitals.

Have read that some nurses are deciding that being a traveling nurse is worthwhile because the pay is higher. There are hospitals in some areas that are depending on traveling nurses to just get by right now.

Example from Iowa:
December 23, 2021
Have read that some nurses are deciding that being a traveling nurse is worthwhile because the pay is higher. There are hospitals in some areas that are depending on traveling nurses to just get by right now.
Posted something in the Rona & Skiing thread
The Doctor commuted to Cuse from Buffalo and the nurse was a “traveling nurse”.

Rochester area closed another of their “immediate care” places.
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Have read that some nurses are deciding that being a traveling nurse is worthwhile because the pay is higher. There are hospitals in some areas that are depending on traveling nurses to just get by right now.
This is very true. If it wasn't for travel nurses our local hospital wouldn't be able to operate. My wife could certainly make MUCH more if she did this but she enjoys being local. She knows a lot of her patients, and their families. To her part of nursing is taking care of your community. That, and she's very close to a few doc's in there whom she respects immensely and would miss if she traveled.

ETA: A friend of ours went to NYC during the height of the pandemic. She went for numerous reasons, the least of her reasons was the pay. She did make $12,000 a week and was there for a month. She says it was combat pay.
Posted this in the Rona & Skiing thread
Does it have any impact on or reference to skiing?

Pick a thread and post it, once.
Does it have any impact on or reference to skiing?

Pick a thread and post it, once.
Nope, It was a reply to an "urgent care” topic and “new normal” was locked at the time.
I deleted the italicized above.
Yer runnin a tighter ship.
We need snow.
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