The New Normal

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What about making obese pay more and folks with other somewhat controllable health risks?
Ya might want to be careful running down that road.
Hadn't thought of it that way, but you're right. Slippery slope. As Harv says you can't get phat from someone else.
What is the cost of being in an ICU for a month before you die? Who pays that? We all do.
One thing America ha been great at is consuming i.e. (shopping).
If ya could find an effective way to shop for the best effective healthcare we’d all be winners.
Co-pays hide true costs.
You think when you break your leg, you should call several ambulance services & several hospitals to try to get the best “deal” on healthcare while you go into shock?
What is the cost of being in an ICU for a month before you die? Who pays that? We all do.
.Also don’t forget the long haulers. Costs for them continue cause they don’t die.

We all “paid" for the vaccines too but the first vaccine shots were given “free” to the consumer. 0$ copay and some folks got paid to get em.
Vaccine protection has been shown to wane most likely due to the transcribed spike protein generated antibody level observed decrease over time along with viral variant mutations.
Y'all gonna subscribe to vaccine updates as we go forward if ya got to pay for the true costs for em?
What if the vaccine causes antibody dependent enhancements?
Who be paying for that? BioNTech? They own the vaccine approvals.
You think when you break your leg, you should call several ambulance services & several hospitals to try to get the best “deal” on healthcare while you go into shock?
Wouldn’t have to time shop so no.
For stroke care there’s hospitals touting their record for stroke treatments. They just don’t include the costs in their ads, just sayin.
You think when you break your leg, you should call several ambulance services & several hospitals to try to get the best “deal” on healthcare while you go into shock?
Absolutely! You'll never have more leverage to negotiate a deal than when you are lying on the floor with a debilitating and painful injury.
The truth is that individual negotiation- either for direct health care or for insurance- will never work because there is little competition in the health care industry. Most hospitals have merged into regional monopolies, and very few counties have have competitive insurance markets, at least for individual coverage. The only way to control costs is Medicare for everyone, then tell doctors they're gonna have to take a pay cut and tell 90-year-olds they can't have heart transplants or knee replacements. That's a political choice, and despite all the grumbling we have pretty clearly chosen to have costly medical care.

Cornell has had 232 cases in two weeks, 182 (177 students, 5 staff/faculty) of them from August 26 - 29. The numbers from yesterday aren't in yet.
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