The New Normal

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On the way down to the beach at Marconi today I heard a scary thing… a father was probably trying to explain the ‘keep off the dunes’ signs to his maybe 8 year old daughter…..this girls says “but dad, grass isn’t a living thing”.


As my wife, a second grade teacher, sits at 8pm on a summer Monday and does school work preparing for her year I can say that, as much as there may be breakdowns in the system, there are great dedicated teachers out there. Sadly, too few….
Natural immunity for the win?
I think that ^^ is two comments.

The people who are worried got vaxed? Or maybe they care about others. Who knows.

It's actually not hard to find people who are unvaxed and worried.

Natural immunity for the win?
The human body is pretty complicated and amazingly adaptable. I gather from my friends who have medical or immunology backgrounds that there is a lot more to fighting off a COVID-19 infection than some antibodies, which are known not to hang around for too long once the infection is cleared. The thinking for a while has been that natural immunity after someone recovers from COVID-19 is pretty good protection against a future infection, even from a different variant. Although people can end up with symptoms from a later infection. Research about re-infection started in 2020. The big question is how long natural immunity lasts. Same question as for vaccine-induce protection against serious illness and death. Hard to predict what will be known 2-3 years into the future.

The studies that are more interesting at this point are those that include a timeframe when Delta was around.

August 25, 2021, medRxiv (pre-print)
Comparing SARS-CoV-2 natural immunity to vaccine-induced immunity: reinfections versus breakthrough infections

July 13, 2021, (Israel)
Natural infection vs vaccination: Which gives more protection?

May 28, 2021
Assessment of SARS-CoV-2 Reinfection 1 Year After Primary Infection in a Population in Lombardy, Italy
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