The New Normal

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If you won't wear a mask, you can't fly naywhere or go to theYMCA, if you don't vax you can't go to Canada, serve in the military, study at SUNY or work in a hospital. Soon you won't be able to go to Europe regardless of vaccination.

Science FTW:

Is it delusional or just ignorant to ignore science?

Wrong. I can fly anywhere in the US. I don't need to go to the YMCA - have my own home gym. Will never go back to Canada - not much there worth seeing and the country is a tyrannical mess. Too old to serve in the military. Have enough degrees so no need for SUNY. Not a medical person. Already have seen most of Europe so no need to go back.

As for the mask thing, I could match your five studies with 20 studies that show that mask do basically nothing. Let's face it - it's not settled science.

What's troubling is that you seem to be proud of the fact that some of my freedoms have been limited. Where will you stop?
Geez doesn't want to get a shot... Doesn't want practice being safe. Glad I don't live around you. You're a real winner

Geez doesn't want to get a shot... Doesn't want practice being safe. Glad I don't live around you. You're a real winner
If you would just read a little bit you may understand why many of us don't want to get the shots. I do practice being safe by taking care of my own health - you might try to do the same. You may live around me - how would I know? And thank you for realizing that I am a winner! :)
I think that ^^ is two comments.

The people who are worried got vaxed? Or maybe they care about others. Who knows.

It's actually not hard to find people who are unvaxed and worried.

I find it odd that people who are vaccinated are worried a bit at all that there are unvaccinated amongst them. The PM of Canada the other day said something to the effect that "unvaccinated people are unnecessarily put the vaccinated at risk." Is there not some level of insanity in that statement?

If you truly believe in the Covid vaccination then you should have no worries - you're good to go.
Can't wait to pick this up again tomorrow, it's like a COVID soap opera.
Wrong. I can fly anywhere in the US.
You cannot enter an airport or fly on a commercial flight without a mask.
I don't need to go to the YMCA - have my own home gym. Will never go back to Canada - not much there worth seeing and the country is a tyrannical mess. Too old to serve in the military. Have enough degrees so no need for SUNY. Not a medical person. Already have seen most of Europe so no need to go back.
You sound like a reasonable person. Canada is the center of the tyranny universe.
As for the mask thing, I could match your five studies with 20 studies that show that mask do basically nothing. Let's face it - it's not settled science.

What's troubling is that you seem to be proud of the fact that some of my freedoms have been limited. Where will you stop?

Hey Mr Science, how about some links to those 20 "studies" that say masks "do basically nothing"? Here's a hint: Youtube videos do not count as studies.
I'm sorry but I don't understand your previous post about confusing respect with fear. I fear little except tyranny and mob mentality. I respect the opinions of all on this forum - even the ones who launch personal attacks toward a person they have never met. It's a forum of ideas so it's all good and I can take the beating, deserved or not.

Anyway, it sounds like your wife is a nurse and that's great - I've known a few and could not do their job for a day. That said, I just checked in on Cortland County stats (presumably your home) and they are reporting a total of 8 Covid hospitalizations. That's hardly an overwhelming number of covid patients for a county of that size. Nurses often have to put on full PPE for a variety of diseased patients - it just sucks. We both know that nurses pretty much everywhere are overworked. The fact that they are forced to wear masks full time is a tragedy. If your wife is fully vaccinated then technically she should have no worries, correct?
Apologies if you took any of my words as an attack. Not my intention.
It seemed as though you think folks are getting vaxed out of fear of getting covid. I think the vast majority who get vaxed do it out of respect for their fellow American and not fear.
The issue isn't the number of people who are sick, it's the number that are there to take care of them, and there ain't enough. Therefore those who are there are most certainly overwhelmed.
I respect the opinions of all on this forum
This is interesting. You strive to be Mr. Respect here, yet every single day you disrespect every business owner and health care professional simply by not wearing a mask when asked too. Winners don't do that. That shit is bush league.
If your wife is fully vaccinated then technically she should have no worries, correct?
This isn't about her, you, me, or any other individual. It's way bigger than that. The concern would be giving covid to my parents, her mom, or our neighbors who are a whisker under 90.
Also, this isn't about being right or wrong. You can be right! You win!!! YAY!!!!! I don't care. It's more about doing what's right. Nobody can do it alone. ✌️
If you truly believe in the Covid vaccination then you should have no worries - you're good to go.
I worry about others, the economy and govt spending.

I'd like to get back to business. Covid is making commerce tough for us and others too. (we're in the travel biz). Our company has gotten a govt handout to help us survive. I really appreciate it, but imo it would be better for all if we didn't have to spend that money. Also I'd rather spend my time doing work as it used to be defined, not dealing with covid protocols and employee fear.

The PM of Canada the other day said something to the effect that "unvaccinated people are unnecessarily put the vaccinated at risk." Is there not some level of insanity in that statement?
As I said my livelyhood is at risk.
You cannot enter an airport or fly on a commercial flight without a mask.

You sound like a reasonable person. Canada is the center of the tyranny universe.

Hey Mr Science, how about some links to those 20 "studies" that say masks "do basically nothing"? Here's a hint: Youtube videos do not count as studies.
Add the Syracuse Crunch to the list too

I've also heard there's a push to stop unemployment benefits for those who refuse to get vaxed.
If you would just read a little bit you may understand why many of us don't want to get the shots. I do practice being safe by taking care of my own health - you might try to do the same. You may live around me - how would I know? And thank you for realizing that I am a winner! :)
I assume from your handle you live in CNY. No a big leap there. I also addressed fitness. Read well I've read plenty. Both sides. I've formed my opinion of you..
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