The New Normal

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If my reading comprehension is adequate I believe that MarzNC’s articles all lean toward natural immunity being better.
Something I’m curious about is how well the J&J vaccine is working against the variants. Initial reports indicated it wasn’t as efficacious as the 2-shot MRNA vaccines. Is that still the consensus?
Life forms have existed in somewhat balance since life started on this beautiful blueish rock.
When the folks cracked the human genome most were amazed humans have fewer genes than plants.
Microbes and plants also have immune systems to afford protection from pathogens.
The human body contains more non-human genetic material than they do human.
Keep yer good bugs happy.

Why do little kids like to eat dirt?
Something I’m curious about is how well the J&J vaccine is working against the variants. Initial reports indicated it wasn’t as efficacious as the 2-shot MRNA vaccines. Is that still the consensus?
J&J is planning on asking for FDA approval for a booster shot. The efficacy is clinical trials was a bit lower than the mRNA vaccines. However, J&J was tested in South Africa when Delta was around and it did quite well.

My ski buddy opted for J&J because she has allergies that might have meant slightly more potential for side effects with Pfizer or Moderna. She's been happy with the decision.

August 25, 2021

August 10, 2021
I don't throw anymore. I actually sold off my entire studio before we moved two years ago.
Blogging is a much easier way to work for no money than ceramics.
I love eating and drinking out of handmade stuff. I have a pretty good supply of things, some made by me and some by the master I studied under:
He was a great person, with a legit place in ceramics history. He was a little guy and pretty old, I would do his grunt work in the morning, lifting heavy stuff, loading kilns, making clay, etc and he would teach me in the afternoon.
Eventually pottery breaks (it's part of the potters business model!) And slowly my collection is getting smaller. Some of my favorites have been superglued!
My mom has a twelve piece dinner set she bought from Byron that she wants to pass on to me.
Are ya familiar with what an upstater has done in the pottery field? .
Have yet to meet him but he seems like a good guy. He’s from Owego not Oswego as incorrectly stated in the article
Insurance does all kinds of charging for risk. (Age, driving record, smoking etc). Certainly people with co-morbidities affect all of us with cost of care. But you can't catch obesity from someone else.

This is a little bit more like second-hand smoke and less like wearing a seatbelt.
One thing America has been great at is consuming i.e. (shopping).
If ya could find an effective way to shop for the best effective healthcare we’d all be winners.
Co-pays hide true costs.
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