The New Normal

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Teaching can be really gratifying, but some students are just assholes. I know I had a hard time relating to younger students as I got older. That's why I got out of it. I still do a seminar once in a while but that's only because they spend the whole time telling me how great I am to get me to do it.
IT was probably something like that for Professor B.


I taught high school art (pottery and photography) for a year in a private school.

Parts of it were good. The students who took it seriously were great. They were a minority (in more ways than one). There were a few who were jerks, spoiled rich kids who didn't give an F.

At the end of my first term I learned that I was not allowed to fail kids who did nothing, because they wouldn't graduate. I gave them Ds.

The pay was ridiculously low. I'm embarrassed to say how much it was. I quit.
I taught high school art (pottery and photography) for a year in a private school.

Parts of it were good. The students who took it seriously were great. They were a minority (in more ways than one). There were a few who were jerks, spoiled rich kids who didn't give an F.

At the end of my first term I learned that I was not allowed to fail kids who did nothing, because they wouldn't graduate. I gave them Ds.

The pay was ridiculously low. I'm embarrassed to say how much it was. I quit.
My dad taught HS for 30+ years. He'll be the first to tell you the majority of students are awesome, the parents are the challenging ones. With that, that the biggest change he noticed throughout his career would be how the parents had changed, not the kids.
Camp, What’d yer dad teach, besides you?
He taught chemistry and physics.
He was also the one who brought the computer lab into our school district.
My mom says he was that nerdy dude walking around in college with a pocket protector and slide ruler. Physics majors, ya know?
My high school chemistry teacher was much better than most of the profs I had in undergrad college.
Nerds can be and have fun too.
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