The New Normal

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As to your other comments, I will go where I please as I always have. I say this with the utmost of respect (as we have never met) but your fear of a virus that affects a miniscule proportion of society is irrational. A society cannot function when the health of less than 1% of the population dictates the behavior of the remaining 99%.
Yes, the odds are in all of our favors. However, the 1% is completely taxing our healthcare workers. They're at their wits end. My wife is now coming home with bruises on her face (again) from 13 to 14 hours of wearing masks taking care of that 1%, most of whom aren't vaxed. That's disrespectful and frankly I'm sick of people disrespecting our doctors and nurses.
And no, I will not wear a face mask. You are delusional if you think they have any impact whatsoever.
Do you not respect the store, grocery, gas, lumber etc owners? By not wearing them you are disrespecting them because every store I go into says unvaxxed must wear a mask. If that's the case you get no respect from me. I fucking hate wearing masks but I did it, and I'm doing it again when inside out of respect for my fellow Americans.
Yes, the odds are in all of our favors. However, the 1% is completely taxing our healthcare workers. They're at their wits end. My wife is now coming home with bruises on her face (again) from 13 to 14 hours of wearing masks taking care of that 1%, most of whom aren't vaxed. That's disrespectful and frankly I'm sick of people disrespecting our doctors and nurses.
They have rights you know!!
Want freedom? If it’s all good, would you go into this thing at the County Fair?
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There was a line. Sounds like you are in it from a distance. What’s your comfort zone?
Lost me on this one bro?
The prof had actually come out of retirement to help with the teacher shortage.

He was 88. If I was 88 not sure there is anything that could get me to work.
... I will go where I please as I always have.
If you won't wear a mask, you can't fly naywhere or go to theYMCA, if you don't vax you can't go to Canada, serve in the military, study at SUNY or work in a hospital. Soon you won't be able to go to Europe regardless of vaccination.
And no, I will not wear a face mask. You are delusional if you think they have any impact whatsoever.
Science FTW:

Is it delusional or just ignorant to ignore science?

The prof had actually come out of retirement to help with the teacher shortage.

He was 88. If I was 88 not sure there is anything that could get me to work.
Teaching can be really gratifying, but some students are just assholes. I know I had a hard time relating to younger students as I got older. That's why I got out of it. I still do a seminar once in a while but that's only because they spend the whole time telling me how great I am to get me to do it.
IT was probably something like that for Professor B.

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