The New Normal

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I guess all the people still doing reasearch can close up their labs as the Food and Drug Administration has formally approved Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine.
I have an unvaccinated coworker. This isn't her. This is someone completely vaccinated, whose family members have had breakthroughs.
We have a similar scenario - vaxed son in law felt like crap, tested positive, sick for a day then fine. My daughter was with him until he felt sick, tested negative... go figure
Provided for context only. Things are getting better. It’s not over by any means but look at how the relationship between these statistics has changed. Covid continues and we’re in a tough place right now but it’s killing fewer people at least.

The total numbers at Cornell for the past week are: 16 faculty and staff and 15 students. All the students need to be vaccinated, or have a medical or religious exemption. The grad students I have been meeting this week have all been tested upon arrival, I think. I could be wrong.

But, what's up with the numbers of faculty and staff? 99% of faculty, and 91 percent of staff are vaccinated. So, either that means that those 9% of unvaccinated staff are getting hit hard, or there are breakthroughs happening. Enquiring minds want to know.

Regardless, I have a camera at home and could work from home in a heartbeat if I had to. My only fail in this plan is I went back to my usual stock of TP for when I was working AT work. If I have to quarantine, it's not looking so good. o_O
I saw a headline about TP supplies at Costco and ordered another case of this Scott JRT single ply from Amazon. Each roll lasts two weeks. I may never return to normal TP:LOL:.
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