The New Normal

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Any hockey fans? My husband decided to watch the 6th game between the Raleigh Hurricanes and Nashville Predators last night. He only pays attention to hockey when the Canes make it into the playoffs. Hurricanes pulled In off in overtime, 4-3 and won the series. What made me pay attention was the fact that there were thousands of fans in the in stands making lots of noise.

The effort that's gone into having 12,000 fans at the PNC Arena in Raleigh for playoff games is pretty interesting. The capacity is 19,000. The next series will bounce between Raleigh and Tampa Bay.

I appreciate all of the comments and am always open to other points of view - the older I get the less I seem to know LOL!

My main point was that some of us have drawn our own conclusions and choose not to get this experimental vaccine. Early on in this pandemic it became clear to me that this virus hit the elderly, obese and other compromised individuals is typical for respiratory viruses. It also seemed that key vitamin deficiencies (B,C,D,etc.) were a problem. I believe that I got the virus in April of last year but never got tested as I didn't want to get into the "system" and be forced to lose 2-3 weeks of income (self employed) due to quarantine. In any event I started a vitamin regime and finally lost that nagging 15 lbs of excess weight. Also started eating a "clean" diet - mostly vegetarian although I'll occasionally indulge in a steak or sausage meal.

The published results from the vaccine companies are out there - here is Pfizer's:

This link is a bit different then the one I recall seeing but is still relevant. The vaccine seems to help but we are dealing with a "small numbers" problem; that and the fact that the participants are not being intentionally exposed to the virus (in the test) but are rather being exposed in public. From what I understand there is no available Covid-19 isolate that can be used for testing. I guess time will tell.

In any event I hope that the 2021/2022 ski season can get back to normal! Have already purchased my Ikon pass for the upcoming year!
Investing in one's own good health is the best investment of all. I too suspect I had this virus and also did not get tested. I was lucky I guess it didn't do much to me. Never had to stay home to rest or anything like that, just an annoying cough. I thank my continuing investment in good health for that.

For that reason I do not fear it at all.
I appreciate all of the comments and am always open to other points of view - the older I get the less I seem to know LOL!

My main point was that some of us have drawn our own conclusions and choose not to get this experimental vaccine. Early on in this pandemic it became clear to me that this virus hit the elderly, obese and other compromised individuals is typical for respiratory viruses. It also seemed that key vitamin deficiencies (B,C,D,etc.) were a problem. I believe that I got the virus in April of last year but never got tested as I didn't want to get into the "system" and be forced to lose 2-3 weeks of income (self employed) due to quarantine. In any event I started a vitamin regime and finally lost that nagging 15 lbs of excess weight. Also started eating a "clean" diet - mostly vegetarian although I'll occasionally indulge in a steak or sausage meal.

The published results from the vaccine companies are out there - here is Pfizer's: This link is a bit different then the one I recall seeing but is still relevant. The vaccine seems to help but we are dealing with a "small numbers" problem; that and the fact that the participants are not being intentionally exposed to the virus (in the test) but are rather being exposed in public. From what I understand there is no available Covid-19 isolate that can be used for testing. I guess time will tell.

In any event I hope that the 2021/2022 ski season can get back to normal! Have already purchased my Ikon pass for the upcoming year!
That's a long way around the barn for saying you don't want the shot ?
I believe that I got the virus in April of last year but never got tested as I didn't want to get into the "system" and be forced to lose 2-3 weeks of income (self employed) due to quarantine.
So you didn't want to lose 2-3 weeks of income and put others at risk instead.

The vaccine seems to help but we are dealing with a "small numbers" problem.
590,000 US deaths = small numbers?

In any event I hope that the 2021/2022 ski season can get back to normal! Have already purchased my Ikon pass for the upcoming year!

We do have some common ground here. Let's look for some more!
I have a friend who is liberal and one that is conservative and they both refuse to get the vaccine. They both are in good health and say they aren’t afraid of getting sick. Both are eating well, taking vitamins and distancing from others. My question is (if there was a way) can they be intentionally exposed, quarantine and move on with their lives once they receive a negative test, without getting the shot? From what I’ve heard you still need to get the shot even if you’ve had COVID. Just wondering if there could be an alternative that could be developed. I understand people’s reservations about the safety of the vaccine even though I got mine.
I appreciate all of the comments and am always open to other points of view - the older I get the less I seem to know LOL!

My main point was that some of us have drawn our own conclusions and choose not to get this experimental vaccine.
The vaccine is not experimental.
I have a friend who is liberal and one that is conservative and they both refuse to get the vaccine. They both are in good health and say they aren’t afraid of getting sick. Both are eating well, taking vitamins and distancing from others. My question is (if there was a way) can they be intentionally exposed, quarantine and move on with their lives once they receive a negative test, without getting the shot? From what I’ve heard you still need to get the shot even if you’ve had COVID. Just wondering if there could be an alternative that could be developed. I understand people’s reservations about the safety of the vaccine even though I got mine.
So you know 2 people who would rather be infected and quarantined with the risk of chronic sickness or death than be vaccinated?

It’s an exponential growth problem, not a small numbers problem.
Researchers estimate the average infected person infects 3 others. That’s like the magic of compound interest, if the interest rate were 200% every two weeks. Reduce the reinfection rate by 90% by vaccines and the virus dies out. That’s how you get to normal.
You may think you are healthy enough to survive the virus, but you are certainly not healthy enough to avoid infection or spreading it. If you live in CNY you may not know how bad it’s been in NYC fir the last year.

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