The New Normal

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Here's another good reason to get the vax.

The above article is tragic but clearly this poor man had a major comorbidity and was already compromised. Covid19 hits those in poor health the hardest. Single point anecdotal evidence is not relevant in a public health policy discussion.

My biggest frustration with this whole thing is that no one actually responded to the data that I presented. If my analysis wrong then prove it and I will instantly change my perspective.

One member stated that I was "bending the truth to fit my narrative". What narrative are they referring to?

Another said that "dying after the shot is different than dying from the shot." Yet if you say "dying from Covid is different than dying with Covid" you are shunned.

Another mentioned that the cases are declining rapidly as a result of the vaccinations. If so then what caused the cases to decline last year when no one was vaccinated? Could it simply be the seasonal nature of viral airborne respiratory infections?

I suggest you all read the actual trial results presented by the Pfizer and other companies and draw your own conclusions. From what I've seen the average person won't take even five minutes to seriously study the issue.
I said bending the numbers to support your narrative. Using your numbers if everyone in the us was vaccinated we would have lost 60000 people instead of 575000.. If you argue we need less people and that's you reason for not getting the shot then I could understand your side. Come to think of it what exactly are you trying to say?
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I suggest you all read the actual trial results presented by the Pfizer and other companies and draw your own conclusions. From what I've seen the average person won't take even five minutes to seriously study the issue.

I have drawn my own conclusion. My conclusion is I don't have a medical background, so knowing I'm not the smartest guy in the world I am smart enough to listen and adhere to my doctor. She's wicked smart, a farm girl, whom I trust and respect immensely. She told me to get the vaccine, so I did.
Another said that "dying after the shot is different than dying from the shot." Yet if you say "dying from Covid is different than dying with Covid" you are shunned.
For the record ... I didn't "say" anything ...

You stated "According to VAERS, around 4,500 people have died from taking these vaccines". That is factually incorrect. I simply corrected your misstatement.
For the record ... I didn't "say" anything ...

You stated "According to VAERS, around 4,500 people have died from taking these vaccines". That is factually incorrect. I simply corrected your misstatement.
For argument's sake, let's say 4500 people did die from the shot. There have been what 150-200 million people vaxed. If none got vaxed, I bet there would be a whole hell of a lot more deaths than 4500. Aren't those the numbers that count and should be compared?
Well you can bet the pharma cartels will be mighty happy to rake in the cash if booster shots are needed.
Vermont looks like it will reach 80% for the 1st shot soon.

I was happy to see that seniors 65% in NC are pretty well covered. Sometimes it's hard to know what the denominator is for vaccination percentages. The NC Dashboard gives stats based on total population as well as adjusting for age. I expect the age breakdown may change to 12+ at some point. Total population for NC is about 10 million, 9th in the U.S.

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Money maker for sure...
I’m not so sure. Governments funded or guaranteed the cost of vaccine development, and they will demand reasonable pricing. There’s already talk of limiting patent rights for the vaccine. The big money in pharma is proprietary allergy medicine and boner pills. All the resources taken away from that to create vaccines means that, while they will (and should) make bank on vaccines, they’ll lose even more money that they would have made with a new boner pill. That’s a huge opportunity cost. Thank god for the greedy pharma industry.

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