The New Normal

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To be fair, nobody said there was a high chance of dying from it. It was apparently alarming enough to somebody to pause distribution for a week or so.
I'm not a scientist but I play one on TV.

I'm assuming that the big risk is India (and other unvaxed countries with big outbreaks) where it could :) create a breakthrough variant. I'm hoping we SELL (vs give) the vax to other countries at a fair price, and people jump on it.

This is worth checking out, under the "What We Are Still Learning" section:

To be fair, nobody said there was a high chance of dying from it. It was apparently alarming enough to somebody to pause distribution for a week or so.
It's a dilemma for policy makers. If they pause distribution, it creates the suspicion that it's unsafe. If they don't pause, it creates the impression that they are not paying attention. It's a lose/lose situation.

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