The New Normal

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I want the unvaxed to wear a mask indoors, so I am doing it too.
For me I don't care if they do or if they don't. My understanding is that the only ones they can hurt is themselves? Here at work we're going on the honor system, can't think of any other way to do it. We do have some employees that aren't vaxed and they're required to wear masks.
A few people taking advantage isn’t likely to cause a huge outbreak, right? 60% of adults have gotten at least one shot plus all the people that got sick and recovered... it adds up. Even for unvaccinated people, the risk has to be way way down at this point.
A few people taking advantage isn’t likely to cause a huge outbreak, right? 60% of adults have gotten at least one shot plus all the people that got sick and recovered... it adds up. Even for unvaccinated people, the risk has to be way way down at this point.
Right, and especially this time of year. We saw a massive dip last year at this time.
For me I don't care if they do or if they don't. My understanding is that the only ones they can hurt is themselves? Here at work we're going on the honor system, can't think of any other way to do it.
At the Y today they took my temperature and asked for my vax card when I checked in.
Leaving the science deniers to infect each other is a cold policy, but I'm OK with it if the rest of us can get back to normal. Sadly, that puts people who can't be vaxxed for medical reasons and young children at greater risk. My grandson is a chick magnet but I won't be taking him to any bars anytime soon.

How many people died from the Vax? How many people had the vax? The #'s are clearly beyond compare in favor of getting the vax.
Not disagreeing
I got my vax ASAP
Just saying it can happen. Just like covid put a coworker of mine in rehab learning to function as a human again.
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