The Mouse Thread

right around now the mousing season picks up.. I love the sound of a snapping trap while lying in sounds like victory...
my wife not so much..
i have found success with glue traps, also the clue traps have taken care of my basement cricket problem too
Glue traps in the established travel lanes will get the best results. Some people consider them cruel but I’ve never found a live rodent in one. I can’t say the same for snap traps
Glue traps in the established travel lanes will get the best results. Some people consider them cruel but I’ve never found a live rodent in one. I can’t say the same for snap traps
i caught an entire mouse family in a glue trap. the mother survived the longest. she ate the head of the closest child. never again
A different version of the modern Victor trap. This one has only gotten one mouse. The one below the kitchen sink has gotten 4.
We’re tied. Still stuck on 5. Ain’t caught one in a couple weeks.
Might put in some fresher cheddar.
I have no mice to clean up wherever I used that Grandpa Gus stuff. It's cinnamon and peppermint. Like pepper spray for the mice. It works in engine bays too.
I'm down in NJ this weekend to see my child and do band rehearsal. Kinda worried about finding delayed corpses when I return.

@Harvey is there a way to keep a running count of mice killed on this interwebz thingy?
It's funny how this is such serious business to us. 🤣
I remember a coworker had 3 traps and called it his triangle of death.
We should keep track. Him with the least number of dead mice buys everyone else a beer? Where would we meet?