The Mouse Thread

I know a "spot"...
I mow my apartment house lawn every 10 days or so. I keep the mower in the basement. 5 weeks ago I go to get it and their was giant mouse poop on the bagger of the mower. I inspect the basement it was everywhere. I got 5 snap traps and set them up. Peanut butter. It was a Saturday. Came back Monday all five full. 3 big ones two adolescents. They build a nest under the stair well. I found the holes and kicked dirt in them. Came back Thursday and had 4 more adolescents. The holes were open. I filled them with steel wool reset the traps and went away. Sunday nothing in the traps but holes opened up. Spread a bunch of cinnamon and put sticky traps down. Monday holes open. Pulled the steel wool out. Repacked and put poison down. First couple days nothing in the traps and the main hole opened up each time. Got some peppermint oil came back to spread. Noticed the hole started to be dug and stopped. Then I saw set trap but no rat. Got side tracked, noticed the main exit for the house was backing up. Back to the rat. When I got on task I found the rat dead near my the trap. Mixed up 3 bags of mortar filled all the holes. Rats eradicated in 5 weeks.
I mow my apartment house lawn every 10 days or so. I keep the mower in the basement. 5 weeks ago I go to get it and their was giant mouse poop on the bagger of the mower. I inspect the basement it was everywhere. I got 5 snap traps and set them up. Peanut butter. It was a Saturday. Came back Monday all five full. 3 big ones two adolescents. They build a nest under the stair well. I found the holes and kicked dirt in them. Came back Thursday and had 4 more adolescents. The holes were open. I filled them with steel wool reset the traps and went away. Sunday nothing in the traps but holes opened up. Spread a bunch of cinnamon and put sticky traps down. Monday holes open. Pulled the steel wool out. Repacked and put poison down. First couple days nothing in the traps and the main hole opened up each time. Got some peppermint oil came back to spread. Noticed the hole started to be dug and stopped. Then I saw set trap but no rat. Got side tracked, noticed the main exit for the house was backing up. Back to the rat. When I got on task I found the rat dead near my the trap. Mixed up 3 bags of mortar filled all the holes. Rats eradicated in 5 weeks.
So what’s yer score? 9 mice & 1 rat in 5 weeks? Or all dang rats.