The College Thread: Skiing, Academics, Experiences.

You're quite right, some of the more enlightened 2 yr technical colleges do exactly that with internships with firms in closeby industrial parks .

At my college we did that and we also established a small business entrepreneurship center which was both advisory ( business planning ,budgeting ,staffing , training etc)to small business startups as well as incubator space for same. Select students participated in a form of quasi co-op programming
Meaning they were taking on campus courses concurrently with the internship experience for credit.
So it is out there just not very widespread. Thats a very interesting program you started.
Thanks i cut my teeth early in my career as a "shape shifter " trying to bring innovation to the academic world . Was fortunate enough to attract some major grants and then founded a business within a business at the University called The Leadership Institute .

I used the best and brightest faculty and partnered with some friends at Va. tech who wanted to break the traditional academic paradigm .We morphed it into custom designed short term Executive Development in residence seminars series for Large corps, medical centers , other institutiona and Command staff at Fort Drum
We morphed it into custom designed short term Executive Development in residence seminars series for Large corps, medical centers , other institutiona and Command staff at Fort Drum
***Thread Drift Alert***

I’ve got mad respect for what Warp has done/brought. It’s cool…how we all, professionally, do shit, breathe life into it, and see how it develops.

With that said….I’d be interested in your thought processes that led to the above statement.
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Honestly after spending yrs at SUNY had taken a job as President at a small private college .Simply put as a college president I got damn tired of raising coin which seems to be the current role of most college presidencies whereas it HAD always been the role of a Charismatic Academician.
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That is a very cool career arc. How many years did you stay in that final position?? With all that freedom and a nice income sounds like something to stay in well after normal retirement age.
Also I never knew that fundraising was such an intricate part of the job of a President. How necessary is the fundraising? I always assumed the average tuition rate per student is well below the advertised cost, but even so it seems more than enough to be “profitable”. Do colleges/universities pay any tax at all? Even local property taxes?
That is a very cool career arc. How many years did you stay in that final position?? With all that freedom and a nice income sounds like something to stay in well after normal retirement age.
Also I never knew that fundraising was such an intricate part of the job of a President. How necessary is the fundraising? I always assumed the average tuition rate per student is well below the advertised cost, but even so it seems more than enough to be “profitable”. Do colleges/universities pay any tax at all? Even local property taxes?
Thanks it was a hoot . I ran that business for 20 years ( 15 as a parallel career and 5 in retirement ) . I retired from FT work at 52 , so did this until 57 .wheni sold my interest to become a gentleman of leisure .
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... Took up downhill skiing at 52 ,skied my ass off,biked my ass off ,got the travel bug satisfied , took up Golf seriously and worked just 75 day a year ( 25 ,3 day seminar series) made more than I had been and HAD a life not just a living.

Yep I'm a weirdo but a happy one
Attaboy Warp.
Actually Tski hahahah Funny story about. " THE AXE "

being the cheap bastard that i am sometimes and being easily bored , i broke my damn wrist racing down Big Tupper with my skiing Mentor " Plimps" ( some of u guys have heard me tell u about this fine man when he passed ) , well no way was gonna let that sumbitch beat me down