The College Thread: Skiing, Academics, Experiences.

Congratulations,SUNYSB. is a Great school a public IVY.

Being a graduate of two private universities and also a graduate of a public ivy I can say that after 3 plus decades of working in SUNY that there are specific advantages to both systems.

So it really depends on the individual's need. Large public ivies tend to be impersonal highly competitive and require a laser focus as a result of the competitiveness within the student body.

Academically strong private universities tend to be smaller in size with smaller class sizes which can be more personal and perhaps more welcoming.

So it depends again on the individual student's need.

I'm certain based on her qualifications your daughter will do fine in either environment it's just where she's going to feel more "comfortable"
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Honestly after spending yrs at SUNY had taken a job as President at a small private college .Simply put as a college president I got damn tired of raising coin which seems to be the current role of most college presidencies whereas it HAD always been the role of a Charismatic Academician.
Whatdya think of student loans?

The Pirate, law school grad, football coach weighed in with his.
Whatdya think of student loans?

The Pirate, law school grad, football coach weighed in with his.
A couple of points here t-ski: unfortunately student loans are necessary evil for some but my honest impression of this guy's speech he's a classic example of an "unguided missile"

I mean he runs up significant debt going to law school and graduates then decides not to practice (one HAS to wonder why ), to take a sub-marginal employment situation that he knows darn well would not amortise any bit of his debt.

Then he runs up more debt running up a master's degree ,again to chase a job that won't amortise any of his debt.

None of this would have happened if proper evaluation of his interests , ability and personal economics had been done

So I guess my point on this is :know Thyself and where you're going.

Have a Realistic eval of your ability and interests and stay within your means and do the best you can .

don't be like THIS Mike 😒,but then again I May be nuts ;)
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my sister and best friend went to Stonybrook... Good school you dodged a financial bullet...
A couple of points here t-ski: unfortunately student loans are necessary evil for some
Thanks Warp. Yup. I never took out a student loan but didn’t have a motorized vehicle for Undergrad & Grad school until I bought the piece of shit ’67 Chevy pickup that allowed me to fit in with the locals in Oxford...
but my honest impression of this guy's speech he's a classic example of an "unguided missile"
As a coach he was an innovator of the "Air Raid” offense where ya gotta have an accurate QB, so there’s that.
I mean he runs up significant going to law school and graduates then decides not to practice (one HAS to wonder why ), to take a sub-marginal employment situation that he knows darn well would not amortise any bit of his debt.
Then he runs up more debt running up a master's degree ,again to chase a job that won't amortise any of his debt.
Happens to a lot of folks. He did pretty well financially after a bit.
None of this would have happened if proper evaluation of his interests , ability and personal economics had been done

So I guess my point on this is :know Thyself and where you're going.
Me thinks if ya ask most folks opinion of Mike Leach who knew him would say, "He knew himself".
Have a Realistic eval of your ability and interests and stay within your means and do the best you can .
don't be like this dude
He was a bit rough around the edges, called em like he saw em, and was a great football coach.
Lived in Cali then Wyoming, then coached in Cali, Utah, Finland, Iowa, Georgia, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Washington (State), Texas & Mississippi.

Way too much movin around & stress IMO, but some folks like that.
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Thanks Warp. Yup. I never took out a student loan but didn’t have a motorized vehicle for Undergrad & Grad school until I bought the piece of shit ’67 Chevy pickup that allowed me to fit in with the locals in Oxford...

As a coach he was an innovator of the "Air Raid” offense where ya gotta have an accurate QB, so there’s that.

Happens to a lot of folks. He did pretty well financially after a bit.

Me thinks if ya ask most folks opinion of Mike Leach who knew him would say, "He knew himself".


He was a bit rough around the edges, called em like he saw em, and was a great football coach.
Lived in Cali then Wyoming, then coached in Cali, Utah, Finland, Iowa, Georgia, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Washington (State), Texas & Mississippi.

Way too much movin around & stress IMO, but some folks like that.
Different strokes for different folks 😉
I am not one of them.
I am. But part of that is family driven. You really can’t beat their beaches around the northeast.

I second taking the car ferry. I don’t do it on my ski ‘commutes’ (shame on me for using those words next to each other) because I am western Nassau but I second Rip for your visits from the daks.

Ps I went to SUNY Binghamton before grad school - one of the best decisions of my life and money I saved and their liberal credit acceptance and some elbow grease got me out in 3 years. Even though I really had no money I had little debt graduating because of state school status.
Without student loans I would not have been able to go to college. At 18 I didn’t have enough assets. And my parents could not pay or take out their own loans.

I have had two public service jobs and I am in my second private job. So I have had some opportunities to serve others that would not exist without loans.

I do think there has got to be a better system than what we have. I am not saying send everyone for free or without sacrifice but I also think that it is no good that student loan rates are 8 or 9 percent (my wife is getting a masters in social work and we briefly considered loans I think those were the rates we saw so we are paying cash).