Snow Ridge Tornado

work day text
I'm doubting they will give public chainsaws. More likely dragging things to a chipper?

I'm wondering if the trees south of sap line are completely f'd.
I'm guessing liability would be a huge concern. Sadly I bet some of us use chainsaws regularly but not professionally. It's dangerous work.
At the Plattekill work day, some people bring their own saws. We all sign liability waivers, no matter what tools we’re using and they require that anybody with a chain saw use safety chaps and face mask and I think maybe a hard hat.
More likely dragging things to a chipper?
First job was a grunt for a local tree service company in the summers in high school.
Ya know why they call them grunts? Cause ya get to grunt a lot.

Figured out hands are perfectly made for dragging branches to the chipper & thornapple branches will shred a shirt sleeve.
The way I understood it, no saws for public.
What I've read is that the reason for the GoFundMe fundraising effort is that insurance will not cover the cost of professional removal of the trees. (...) That implies that insurance will cover other loss and repairs.
It's fascinating how policies slice and dice coverage to avoid exposure. That's why I never buy travel insurance as the fine print is so dense, I just assume that whatever happens will not be covered (my suspicion that it's a big racket).

Is professional removal of the trees not part of their policy because the ski area specifically opted out of that option?
Apparently a raffle was held that raised $3500+. That put the total over $30K.

GoFundMe as of August 18, 2023
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Here's what was posted on the Snow Ridge FB page on August 10 related to insurance coverage: "unfortunately insurance only covers the damaged property and none of the tree removal, which will prove to be the most costly part of this clean up effort."