Skiology... What's your take?

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See it as strongly suggesting more than demanding, and it is only Friday - Saturday at Northern areas. Can't say I disagree with his advice. I had already decided on only Sunday this weekend.
He has this delusion that he's saving people from themselves, and if you call that into question you're going to get blocked.
Well it's his page, he can express any view he wants to those who choose to read it, and choose who he allows to read or comment on that. I really don't see a problem.

Anyone with a FB page can do that. His is just real popular because he provides lots of useful info to skiers.
I also happen to think many of his followers are pathetic sheep who can't think for themselves and need him to tell them when and where to ski.
I like to take weather into account in deciding where and when to ski and he has IMO been providing better free ski area specific information in layman's language than any other source I have encountered.
That said, I also take into account driving distance and what is available on my Epic Local and Indy passes.
He's such a rebel these days!
There’s Rebels in the snowiest parts of The UpState and dang proud of it.
After blocking me he posted this. He's so quick to block people who disagree with him that the comments sections of any of his posts are echo chambers of people repeating his talking points word for word.

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