Random NYSkiBlog Stuff That You Might Not Care About

In our directory of NY Ski Areas:

We have these sections that made sense to me when I did it. I knew it wasn't perfect:

Tug Hill
Downstate NY
Central NY
Western NY

Brownski and I have duked it out over how to organize the sections and also over WHERE to put Catamount. He says putting Cat Downstate ain't right. We could change Downstate to Hudson Valley and maybe include Maple.

IMO The rest of the sections don't change (Adk Cats Tug Central and Western) except as possibly discussed above.

Anyway. What do you think about Catamount. Do they go in the Catskills? Other ideas, create a Capital District or rename Downstate, to HV.
Nice work guys! Catamount is under 40 minutes from the town of Catskill so Catskills works for me
where does upstate begin? :rolleyes:
I always considered North of Albany to be upstate. Here in Fishkill, people from the city say we’re upstate. Catamount may be on par with the Catskill areas and latitudinaly equal but it’s in the Taconics which are very different.
I always considered North of Albany to be upstate. Here in Fishkill, people from the city say we’re upstate.
A lot of people from upstate think “upstate” means “north of me”. It doesn’t. It’s a region. It’s basically NYS other then NYC, LI and some portion of the northern suburbs and/or exburbs of NYC. Where you draw the line is the question. There is a school of thought that the word connotes certain cultural quirks as well. If we’re gonna solve this it’s going to require it’s own thread though. These are big questions.